10hr drive

On several occasions I have gone into my 10 by 5 10minz whatever , and it’s a waste of 1hour , wich could be the difference of getting back home Friday or running in Saturday, does anyone else think we should be allowed to use that time on another day ? (Obviously not to go over 10hr per day)

If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Thats a big risk driving without a card in which will only result in you getting the boot, i know of a driver who had done the very same and was shown the door a bit sharpish !

If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Can the lorry be traced for driving without a card and for how long the card was pulled.


If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Can the lorry be traced for driving without a card and for how long the card was pulled.

Some firms have trackers on their trucks it will also show up as driving without card in when they download the unit in cab.


If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Can the lorry be traced for driving without a card and for how long the card was pulled.

Yes. In the case of digital tachos the digital tacho head also records and stores data which is supposed to be periodically downloaded by the company and this includes periods where no card is inserted. You can’t use the “it was the garage” excuse as workshops have to have a workshop digi card.

In the case of paper cards, the zig-zag near the centre records distance. From that they can work out if you actually did the mileage you claim you did.

If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Dont take this really bad advice.

As long as you dont take the ■■■■ I doubt you’d hit too many problems doing two tens an one 9 hr 5 mins in a week. Well not from VOSA, jusmped up tacho analysts however…



If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Can the lorry be traced for driving without a card and for how long the card was pulled.

Yes. In the case of digital tachos the digital tacho head also records and stores data which is supposed to be periodically downloaded by the company and this includes periods where no card is inserted. You can’t use the “it was the garage” excuse as workshops have to have a workshop digi card.

In the case of paper cards, the zig-zag near the centre records distance. From that they can work out if you actually did the mileage you claim you did.

Having worked in two r three HGV workshops in my life I’ve never put a card in for road teats or the like. If I’m taking a motor for test and it’s not local I’ll use a card, if it’s local I won’t. All mileage is recorded on collection as delivery and a report given to the leasing company and or the owner operator.

I’d like to see regs that state I have to use a card for a 5 mile road test once a month, if they exist and I’m wrk it’s news to not only me but three of the bigger independent workshops locally

What’s everyone’s take on doing 2 10s and a 9hr 5 , would you write an explanation for the 5minz or would you only do it for 10minz plus ?

As long as your not doing it every day ive found vosa to be ok about these things. Sadly if you work for a logistics provider it may cause you to be told off by spotty youth who failed the inteligence test to work at mcdonalds.
Before anyone says i dont think a spanish police officer will agree with that. Most drivers probaly dont leave the UK so dont worry.


If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Thats a big risk driving without a card in which will only result in you getting the boot, i know of a driver who had done the very same and was shown the door a bit sharpish !

I know of a driver who was sacked by my local DHL depot for riding around on site without a card in, albeit he was a repeat offender who had been warned


If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Dont take this really bad advice…


Can the lorry be traced for driving without a card and for how long the card was pulled.

Yes …
I did a 10 yesterday, Doncaster - ■■■■■■■ (Barrow/Workington/Penrith) - Doncaster
Even before I left the yard I knew Id be needing to do 10, So I phoned the office from Penrith to say I might need picking up as I figured Id only got 3-5mins margin.
I managing to do 4:28 Doncaster - ■■■■■■■ (Barrow) stopping at Tebay, then 4:29 Tebay/Workington/Penrith stopping at Wetherby. Then finally getting to the gate at the yard at 0:59.
But the office had been monitoring my progress from Penrith via the tracker & knew that I`d stopped at the gate and pulled my card

If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

I wonder why he’s called Dozy ? :confused:

bald bloke:

If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

I wonder why he’s called Dozy ? :confused:

I don’t :wink: :laughing:

You would think you could carry the remaining amount of drive left over , you would still be only able to so 56 in 1 week just means sharing out the extra hour

You would think you could carry the remaining amount of drive left over , you would still be only able to so 56 in 1 week just means sharing out the extra hour

You cannot suggest that because that is using common sense and the EU does not do that ! :laughing:


You would think you could carry the remaining amount of drive left over , you would still be only able to so 56 in 1 week just means sharing out the extra hour

You cannot suggest that because that is using common sense and the EU does not do that ! :laughing:

Lol it’s a joke , it would still be the same amount of hours :@ , oh well hopefully someone with brains will take over the eu in the next millennium lol

What’s everyone’s take on doing 2 10s and a 9hr 5 , would you write an explanation for the 5minz or would you only do it for 10minz plus ?

I don’t know.
But it would be interesting to if you get done for going over by 5mins or (for example) 50mins, and whether it would make a difference what order the times came in.

bald bloke:

If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

I wonder why he’s called Dozy ? :confused:

I’ll ignore that as I assume your either MERRY,■■■■■■ or BOLLOXED :unamused: :unamused:

I n my expierience VOSA are not to a couple of minutes,as long as it’s not a daily occurence.They would reather the card was left in rather than running card out which is a blatant offence.

Once the truck is in the yard can it be shunted about without a card in the machine? Is this allowed as some guys that move the trucks dont even have a liscence at my work
Something about it being private land and bot accesible to the public or is this just bs