100 million

Up to 100 Million to improve roadside facilities for drivers. So that
will be more money wasted then. When are the government going
to realise we are not wanted in MSA.

gov.uk/government/news/up-t … facilities

That £100 million is only if industry stumps up £50m? As the Gov is matching investment. (Hence…“up to”).
No one wants to start or improve a lorry park, then the Gov won`t be spending anything?
If there is nothing for them to match, then tough…Please correct me if wrong.

It is presumably the same bit of cash being relaunched (Apparently not yet spent anywhere) as in April?
gov.uk/government/news/20-m … gv-drivers
When it was £52m in total, and only £20m of that was ear-marked for “better roadside facilities”.

Not surprised - I once saw an EE pull into a service station step out the cab and urinate like a horse.

Not surprised - I once saw an EE pull into a service station step out the cab and urinate like a horse.

What…on all fours? :open_mouth:
Strange people. :smiley:


Not surprised - I once saw an EE pull into a service station step out the cab and urinate like a horse.

What…on all fours? :open_mouth:
Strange people. :smiley:


I was thinking more the volume of it - there was a river runnng down the car park.

Not surprised - I once saw an EE pull into a service station step out the cab and urinate like a horse.

You watched the full show ■■?