10 weeks of Thelwall Joy to start

This might slow you down a bit.

highways.gov.uk/roads/road-p … l-viaduct/

m.wigantoday.net/news/local/m6-r … -1-6445398

warringtonguardian.co.uk/new … l_Viaduct/

Possibly also lead to a bit of a diversion via Bowden/Knutsford/Stretton or elsewhere if you have to access Lymm Truckstop from the southbound on some occasions,

Lets hope you get plenty of prior warning if jnc 20 SB needs closing off.

Says lanes will still be open just contra flow in place on the bridge there working on why would you have to divert for lymm truckstop ?

Probably Traffic management stuff and moving things about with the contraflows.

I was ‘chatting’ about it with some of the contractors/consultants, and junction closures were an issue raised and the ease of getting into what I would say is one of, if not the regions biggest truckstops.

Not sure of the full extent but they’ll be a few weeks of possible disruption

20-21 Lymn to Woolston shut tonight by the look of it.
highways.gov.uk/news/press-r … uct-works/

10pm-5am and same tomorrow on the SB