10 Hour driving query

Can anyone help with this. I know technically you can do 4 consecutive 10 hour drives, i.e. Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, because Monday is the beginning of a new week, but what happens if you are working a Sunday starting say Midday and you go into a 10 but it is after midnight when you finish, Monday morning. What week does this 10 hour drive come out of, week 1 or week 2?

Can anyone help with this. I know technically you can do 4 consecutive 10 hour drives, i.e. Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, because Monday is the beginning of a new week, but what happens if you are working a Sunday starting say Midday and you go into a 10 but it is after midnight when you finish, Monday morning. What week does this 10 hour drive come out of, week 1 or week 2?

I believe and i’m sure i’ll be corrected if/when i’m wrong, your new working week as far as driving hours are concerened starts after you’ve had a weekly rest period not at 00:00 monday :wink:

This then means you can only do 10 hours driving within 3 of the 6 following 24 hours periods of work you have available until you need to take another weekly rest period :wink:

I believe and i’m sure i’ll be corrected if/when i’m wrong, your new working week as far as driving hours are concerened starts after you’ve had a weekly rest period not at 00:00 monday :wink:

Get ready to be corrected. You are wrong. The counter re-sets for reduced daily rests after a weekly rest but not for 10 hour driving days, they are re-set when the new fixed week starts.

i thought you could only work two 10 hour drives in any one week and three nines i could well be wrong but i have never been aware you could do four tens on the trot

Can anyone help with this. I know technically you can do 4 consecutive 10 hour drives, i.e. Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, because Monday is the beginning of a new week, but what happens if you are working a Sunday starting say Midday and you go into a 10 but it is after midnight when you finish, Monday morning. What week does this 10 hour drive come out of, week 1 or week 2?

In my opinion it would be week 2, because you are finishing the shift in week 2 and therefore exceeding the 9 hour limit in week 2. That’s only my opinion and I am not 100% sure as it is something I haven’t considered before.

Actually, thinking about it now I used to use one of Davey’s Hours Guards and on occasions when I did a 10 hour drive starting Sunday into Monday I’m sure it used to deduct the 10 hour drive from week 2 because 10 hours drives, and in those days daily reductions, had reset at midnight during the shift.

Can anyone help with this. I know technically you can do 4 consecutive 10 hour drives, i.e. Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, because Monday is the beginning of a new week, but what happens if you are working a Sunday starting say Midday and you go into a 10 but it is after midnight when you finish, Monday morning. What week does this 10 hour drive come out of, week 1 or week 2?

The total daily driving time is:

  • the total accumulated driving time between the end of one daily rest period and the beginning of the following daily rest period;
  • the total accumulated driving time between a daily rest period and a weekly rest period.

Therefore I beleive the ten hour driving time would be counted as Sundays driving time (week 1).

i thought you could only work two 10 hour drives in any one week and three nines i could well be wrong but i have never been aware you could do four tens on the trot

The new week starts on Monday 00:00 so you could do Saturday and Sunday in one week and Monday and Tuesday of the following week.

i thought you could only work two 10 hour drives in any one week

Correct. So you could do 10 on each of Saturday and Sunday, provided you haven’t already done any since Monday. These would be in week 1. A new week starts at 00:00 Monday and you could then do 10 on both Monday and Tuesday, with no more available until the following Monday. Four in a row and no more than 2 in a week. Sorted. :wink:

and three nines

No, you can do 3 reduced daily rests between weekly rest periods so in fact you could do 6 reductions in a week. Working more than 13 hours on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday would give you 3 reductions. You then take a weekly rest period, returning to work on Friday and work more than 13 hours on that day as well as Saturday and Sunday. That is another 3 reductions and you have done 6 in the week legally.

i could well be wrong

At least you were prepared for the disappointment. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


i thought you could only work two 10 hour drives in any one week

Correct. So you could do 10 on each of Saturday and Sunday, provided you haven’t already done any since Monday. These would be in week 1. A new week starts at 00:00 Monday and you could then do 10 on both Monday and Tuesday, with no more available until the following Monday. Four in a row and no more than 2 in a week. sorted.

and three nines

No, you can do 3 reduced daily rests between weekly rest periods so in fact you could do 6 reductions in a week. Working more than 13 hours on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday would give you 3 reductions. You then take a weekly rest period, returning to work on Friday and work more than 13 hours on that day as well as Saturday and Sunday. That is another 3 reductions and you have done 6 in teh week legally.

i could well be wrong

lol lol thank god i work monday to friday days and just about do a nine most days
At least you were prepared for the disappointment. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I stand corrected :blush:

The way you use your 2x 10hrs drive makes it possible to do sat sun/mon tue all 10hr drives .I would not want to do it though.

yes you can do that quite legal but only if you are daft enough

Im confused.

Surely you would have to have a WEEKLY rest before the week then resets, to enable you to do another 2 10 hr drives :confused:

So I could have my weekly rest for instance on a Thursday and Friday.Start my 1st day of MY week on the Saturday and do 4 consequetive 10hr driving periods?

I would only be able to do 2 the following week though? eh? providing it was after 00:00hrs on the Sunday/Monday :confused:

Not that Im planning to do it,seems a bit stupid to me

Im confused.

Surely you would have to have a WEEKLY rest before the week then resets, to enable you to do another 2 10 hr drives :confused:

No, the new fixed week begins at 00:00 hours Monday regardless of when you take your weekly rest. Taking a weekly rest re-sets the amount of reduced daily rest periods available to you but the number of extended driving days available is only re-set when a new fixed week begins.

So I could have my weekly rest for instance on a Thursday and Friday.Start my 1st day of MY week on the Saturday and do 4 consequetive 10hr driving periods?

Yes, provided you haven’t already done any 10 hour driving days on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. You could do the two for tahtw eek on saturday and Sunday, a new fixed week begins so you now have another two 10 hour driving days available to you and these could be used on The Monday and Tuesday if you wished.

I would only be able to do 2 the following week though? eh? providing it was after 00:00hrs on the Sunday/Monday :confused:

You can only do two in any week. In the scenario you give, after you have done the 10 hours driving on the Tuesday you would not have one available to you again until the following Monday, regardless of when you take your next weekly rest.