0/10 for observations drive

And 1/10 for lane discipline…

m.stokesentinel.co.uk/video-hear … story.html

Keep up at the back I’m sure that was posted yonks ago, certainly seen it before and pretty sure it was on here.

Some T-Cut will sort the little car out…

Looks to me that the wagon driver simply didn’t look in their mirror :unamused:

Don’t know if it’s the quality of the video that I can’t see road markings but it looks like one lane so why was the car up the inside? I imagine drive had got complacent and carried on looking right whilst moving forward, it’s a reminder to all though to make sure your aware of your surroundings

Begs the question though, why the hell didn’t the car start to move after the lorry did rather than just sit there?

That’s an old piece of film

How many ND tractor units have you seen lately?

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … -left.html

Just watched again and noticed it’s actually a dual carriageway the hgv is joining so no sure why he was so far over to the right leaving a massive gap to his left,also the car was a good few feet in front of him for a good few seconds which is when he really should of spotted it…it could of been a basket full of kittens he squashed :smiley:

Mustard mitt, had i been in the lorry i wouldn’t have left such a large gap on the nearside, it was inviting the suicidal to do what they did, the only way i’d have taken the corner with a line like that was if i could see the major road and the junction itself were clear from a decent way back and ‘straightened’ the corner out at whatever speed the vehicle could carry.

Obviously the car driver was a twit but to be expected and the lorry driver should have checked for numpties, mobile statistics like that are legion, though many a sensible city car driver would do the same by using the lorry moving off as a guide the road was clear and for protection but soon as the lorry had covered the blind approach would be off like a scalded cat, i have no trouble with people taking advantage of a bit of cover my lorry provides at junctions so long as they sod off pronto and don’t hold me up when the time comes.

It’s a single lane and the truck was in the only lane. If you look near the end of the video you can clearly see the car was not in a lane but driving illegally on a hatched area. The ■■■ got what he deserved.

It’s a single lane and the truck was in the only lane. If you look near the end of the video you can clearly see the car was not in a lane but driving illegally on a hatched area. The ■■■ got what he deserved.

Can’t see a hatched area anywhere tbh,can see lines for the crossing but certainly no yellow hatched area.

As my HGV driving instructor said to me…

ALWAYS assume everyone else on the road is a complete [zb]ing moron, if they can do something stupid in your proximity they most probably will.

Norberts driver didnt control his road space and left too big a gap.
■■■■ in car was too impatient to wait and didnt think letting a vehicle that size perform its manouvre first then going themselves was a better idea.
Both to blame IMO but I think we all know who will get the full blame


It’s a single lane and the truck was in the only lane. If you look near the end of the video you can clearly see the car was not in a lane but driving illegally on a hatched area. The ■■■ got what he deserved.

Can’t see a hatched area anywhere tbh,can see lines for the crossing but certainly no yellow hatched area.

Think you’re right actually, I thought those white lines were another white hatched area on the left as there’s one on the other side. Just checked google maps and it’s without doubt a single lane road leading to a single lane exit to the carriageway so the car driver is still a tithead.



It’s a single lane and the truck was in the only lane. If you look near the end of the video you can clearly see the car was not in a lane but driving illegally on a hatched area. The ■■■ got what he deserved.

Can’t see a hatched area anywhere tbh,can see lines for the crossing but certainly no yellow hatched area.

Think you’re right actually, I thought those white lines were another white hatched area on the left as there’s one on the other side. Just checked google maps and it’s without doubt a single lane road leading to a single lane exit to the carriageway so the car driver is still a tithead.

As is the truck driver,not that on approach the black car was too the left and the hgv driver went to the right of him thus creating the two lanes,then the blue car pulled up behind the black one…if the hgv driver had if moved off earlier and squashed the block car instead would it if still been the car drivers fault?
Should be hgv driver not have noticed the blue car when it was a good few feet in front of him…

To me, it looks like Nobby’s has kept out wide so he can make a tight, fast entry into lane 1 of the DC without encroaching into lane 2 and holding up all the Beemer drivers! Guess another truck has maybe flashed him out and moved into lane 2, creating a nice big space so Nobby will cut it in tight to the kerb and get moving asap…looks like he gave it some welly when pulling out anyway…cars fault all day long! :smiley:

must be time of the month

If you watch the video that’s doing the rounds you’ll see there’s a worn white (not yellow) hatched area to the left of the truck, which the car shouldn’t have entered. However the truck maybe over so they could be squarer and get a better view of traffic. The driver did fail to check their mirrors before moving off