First day on the new job tomorrow.........nervous or what?

Its like the diary of adrian mole and he just become a lorry driver :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:
Good read though, nice to have a mate sometimes but I prefer being on my own now I like my own space and no one making my cab dirty lol.

Never having read Adrian Mole; I am not sure whether that’s an insult or a compliment! :open_mouth:


Anyhoo…Thanks for the kind comments guys.

Day two ‘MOTS’ and absolutely brilliant!! I know, I know, it’s very early days yet but I am REALLY liking this!! :smiley:

Another tight reverse today…loved it! No ‘Pit Bulls’ tho’! LOL

Slightly longer runs today, including some Motorway…I get flashed in and thanked for flashing others in!! Wahey!! They no longer ignore me like they did in the 7.5 tonners!

I guess I must really exist after all! :wink:


Won’t bore you with a long ‘blow by blow’ like yesterday’s. As already stated, loved it!

Even got a ‘Tenner’ drink and a lovely cuppa at one of the pickups!..Blimey! Probably means I met one of the very few individuals that realises that ‘Lorryists’ are real people too!

Finally sorted the Digi-Tacho too… …The only bloody button I had not tried pushing solved the problem!! Figures. :unamused:

Feel like a real ‘numpty’ :open_mouth: …based upon the thread in the Pro Drivers forum; I reckon that means I really do belong in Norfolk!! :open_mouth:


Keeping some notes and takin some pics; so will post a blog at the weekend with an overview of the ‘highs and lows’ if you like!

I’ll tell you what tho’…handballing 1000+ tyres every day, I’m gonna have ‘Lats’, ‘Pecs’ and ‘Traps’ like Arnie!! So, guess it only remains for me to say…

Hasta la vista Baby…I’ll be back!!