George (Funnyfut) Pitcher

■■■■ me FF,that’s ■■■■ news.

However,I would echo what Biggus has said about a positive mental attitude.

Let me explain…

When I had my accident 8 years ago, (Search my posts for details.) and had to learn to walk again,the one thing that kept me going,was the fact that one of my heroes,Sir Douglas Bader CBE,DSO and Bar,DFC and Bar,had to endure the same thing,the difference was,I still had my legs!!!

What’s this got to do with your illness I hear you say?

Well,I didn’t give up,in the same way he didn’t,and it got me back to almost full health,and the reason? A positive mental attitude.

My Mum got cancer about 5 years ago,and she was almost ready to give up,until one day when I went to see her,and gave her the biggest bollocking that I had ever dared give her,and she listened and changed her way of thinking,and guess what? She’s still here,and now clear of what would have killed her.

Keep your chin up old boy,and yes there will be days when you feel like giving up,but when you look at all the good times,it will outweigh the bad times.

My best regards.
