Prostate problems

What a joke this is turning out to be! I was supposed to make appointments for a series of PSA blood tests over three months ago to see if the PSA levels are dropping before I go to my urology outpatients appointment in August. I haven’t had a single test yet :frowning:

It’s been like banging your head against a wall for the last three months trying to sort this out with Bolton hospital, my GP & Christies.
Finally got to the bottom of it yesterday! The reason was because my follow up details were not on the system & nobody could find my details until yesterday :cry: It’s being sorted now thankfully.

I’m baffled why your dealing with your gp as other than my original examination I’ve not dealt with gp for last 3 yrs , any questions over treatment goes through my urology nurse ( new one is not as good as old one though )
I spoke to her this week about mri as due one , but no rush as apparently I’m not of any concern to them ( which is good in a way , but things can change so should keep upto date on psa /mri scans )
Though I am lucky as mrs does chase things up , my medical secretary
Hope you get sorted , I’m having the same issues ( not prostrate related ) , apparently they’d booked me in for surgery when I was told it was just a chat about how I was getting on , mrs spent today sorting it all