Failed my Class 1 test today • Unsure how to proceed now? :/

I have been give a serious fault for straddling(splitting lanes) where examiner felt there was no need for that.

If the examiner felt there was no need to split the lanes then this would be a valid fail, they are looking for a level of competence and skill way above that of a car driver. Why didn’t your instructor/school take you to this junction?

was led to believe that a serious fault must be something potentially dangerous.

No, it can be just an habitual fault such as only using one mirror each time an observation is required.

My instructor was very surprised that I got a serious for such thing too and frankly couldn’t agree with the result.

Take your instructor with you next time?

Apart from serious fault nothing else was explained to me and I have had a couple of minors, around 8-9


8-9 driving faults is quite a lot, your only allowed 12 max. On a fail only dangerous or serious faults are explained, if it’s a pass the examiner will highlight a couple of driving faults to help you.