Brexit stuff in one place [MERGED]


It is an example of the hollow victory achieved by those cheered Brexit.
The ability to do summat we don`t want to do.

Why do you think it’s a competition? You just come across as a bit pathetic with your endless quest and links to try and prove your were right. .

The ironic thing is though it does not prove anything to those that he is trying to ram the point home to, instead he is only preaching to those who are converted.
Most of us who wanted rid of the EU would vote exactly the same way given the chance again…despite the pro EU powers that be (who all got an unexpected bloody nose ) trying their best in their half aresd approach to make things go smoothly, trying to make things look worse than they probably are.

(Awaiting one of Franglais’ infamous links to try and prove me wrong on the bit where I stated MOST of us would vote the same way :smiley: )

+3 …keep count. :smiley: