Ask a grown-up to explain



Law of the land,.it does not matter a flying [zb] whether or not a non indigenous gay or straight individual agrees with it,.it’s a case of …‘‘When in Rome etc etc’’.
If you don’t agree with their laws however archaic just don’t go …end of.

FIFA have chosen to hold their footie show in a country that does not welcome all of FIFA`s supporters.

Qatar has a right to its own laws. FIFA should have been thinking about all of its members, not just the ones approved of by this particular Government.

Ok so what’s your point?
I ain’t a champion nor an apologist for FIFA, I would say that brown envelopes and corruption was rife…allegedly.
I agree,.and it was a [zb] ridiculous venue/time to hold the World Cup,.I reckon about 99 % of football fans would agree with that.

If I had some interest in a sport held in Iraq, I’d be giving it a wide berth due to their ridiculous laws…which I don’t agree with.
.I wouldn’t be going over there carrying a crucifix and a badge saying ‘Jesus rules ok’ with a bikini clad blonde on each arm…As it is against THEIR laws. :bulb:


Chuck Blazer (guilty plea)
Argentina Alejandro Burzaco (guilty plea)
Venezuela Rafael Esquivel (guilty plea)
Brazil José Hawilla (guilty plea)
Honduras Alfredo Hawit (guilty plea)
Brazil José Margulies (guilty plea)
Trinidad and Tobago Daryan Warner (guilty plea)
Trinidad and Tobago Daryll Warner (guilty plea)
Chile Sergio Jadue (guilty plea)
Cayman Islands Jeffrey Webb (guilty plea)
Costa Rica Eduardo Li (guilty plea)
United States Aaron Davidson (guilty plea)
Traffic Sports International Inc
(guilty plea)

The allegations were founded.

But what do you think of an organisation that allows the decisions of bent officials to stand?
They have had years* to do something about this deal, but havent. If youre no apologist for FIFA why arent you saying it is wrong to hold the event in a country where some Footie fans allowed to behave as they always do, but some arent?

*Because of the lack of existing footie history stadiums are being built from scratch in Qatar. It would have been quite possible to host an event in a country, or group of countries with some existing stadiums, and some updates.
Would have saved the thousands of construction workers deaths too.