Scrapbook Memories (Part 1)


Ray Smyth:


[quote="Buzzer’’ [attachment=0]


Did you have a ‘‘Tiger in your tank’’

The prices of petrol on the signboard show 68p to 71p, for the various grades of fuel.
These costs are per gallon of fuel, unlike todays £1.94 which only buys you a litre.

Cheers, Ray.

I used to have a Triumph GT6 2 litre in the 80s… the thing would only run properly on 5 star.
They stopped making it, and I found a local garage that had a good stock left, everybody else ran on 4 star.
Then there was a fuel crisis shortage,.after a strike I think,.and everybody else used up all his 5 star. :unamused:
So I ended up selling it in the end,.what I really needed was a good mechanic to sort it.

A useless piece of info, but I just thought I’d share it. :laughing:

Couldn’t you have simply retarded the ignition a touch to cure what I imagine was “pinking”. That is pre-ignition. Shame to let a nice car go…