Long Departed Southampton Hauliers (Part 1)


  1. Back in 81, I worked for Matsolex, If memory serves Peter was the Director and I think Frank was the Financial wizard. They had 3 company drivers who ran Euro ( France, Portugal, Spain and Italy) They also did a lot of Container Tanks for a French company between Fawley and
    Le Harve. As for the Manager Dave, he was an ex Army officer and a Drunk, if you couldn’t find him in the office he was next door with a glass in his hand.

Hi Sabretooth,

Peter Rogerson was one of the directors, and the manager was David Dunett,and the pub was The Frog and Friggit,the French company was G. C. A. Group Charles Andre who took over Matsolex eventually.
One of the drivers was Martin Wright (The Bald Eagle).
Dave Dunett’s mother was an actress Peggy ■■■■■■■ she played the office girl in “Hell Drivers” a classic film about a haulage firm who ran tippers, also starred Sean Connery,Stanley Baker and several well known names, worth a watch.
