Scrapbook Memories (Part 1)

Drivers didn’t always put a cross on the front, it depended on what they were carrying and the knowledge/experience of the driver, sometimes a simple rope straight over did the job. The cab looks to have been a Boalloy or Oldlands build they did go in for curves rather than the flat shapes of cabs mostly seen then, the split screens are quartered the curved piece being a separate bit you can just make out the thin join on both screens, I’m sure a one piece curved screen either full or split hadn’t been perfected until the later 50’s, this AEC registration dates from November 1954 to March 1955 Stoke-on-Trent. Franky.

Franky you are right about that reg date,I looked at the wrong list - the reverse format. Thought it was strange for a MK3. :grimacing: