Grizzled Newbie



Banter. Would you be happy to help me out with some confusion I have with religion?

I’ll say now, I think religion has been the greatest threat to mankind and it’s advancement since the ten commandments were allegedly chipped away with a hammer and chisel. Greater even than global warming, Nestle, Putin and covid combined.

If god is all seeing and all caring, why do small children contract bone cancer?

Our time as mortal beings is limited no one knows how long we’re here for.
There’s a purpose to every life regardless of how long.
It’s your choice to believe that when we leave here it isn’t the end.
No one is forcing anyone to believe that.
Why would you view that belief as being a threat to you.

This a great viewpoint. Humility.
Those that follow the religion of atheism/science are just as arrogant as those that believe that their religion is the chosen one.
Believing in a god, a power, an energy, has nothing to do with religion.
If you believe in a god, then it is real to you. And if it brings you comfort and peace, then it is powerful.
To believe in nothing, to believe that you are insignificant and worthless, and to defend that view so ardently, to the point of mocking anyone who believes otherwise, seems a very sad way to live your life.

Coming from a family who made me attend Sunday a kid,.and confirmation classes in my early teens,…I later on made up my own mind on all this when I was going through my girls,.cars and football stage in my mid teens. :smiley:
All religion in my humble opinion (I can do humble sometimes :smiley: ) is based on one thing…a fear of death,.
So all manner of things are invented/believed as a comfort towards this with some reassurance … ranging from shagging 40 virgins, to eternal peace in a Nirvanic land,.with the threat of a horrible short afterlife if you don’t toe the line.

I’m in the ‘‘root of all evil’’ and the ‘‘cause of most wars’’ camp when it comes to ANY religion, but if anybody has their beliefs, I aint got a problem with that nor them…unless of course they try and ram their beliefs down my neck with no invitation, that does annoy me somewhat.
My Grandparents were devout Christians, but they never tried to force their beliefs on me,.and it was my Granda who taught me to keep an open mind on everything and look for ulterior motives…which I do on everything.

Saying that,.I’m sure the good Reverennd did not come on here for a debate on Theology :smiley: nor to defend his own particular religion, so I wish him luck in finding a job in this game.