12 months experience required


Star down under.:
Anybody else see the irony of CF, the bloke who was given the arse from the industry over twenty years ago, waffling on about experience?

What I’m seeing is the irony of the same old winners in the ‘experience’ pecking order scam wanting to maintain their position, at the expense of the losers like the OP, by telling them to take all the crap and then whingeing when someone who’s been there and done it and really doesn’t need to care any more calls the industry out on it.
Bearing in mind it’s the OP who is rightly moaning about that situation obviously not me because for me it doesn’t matter any more.
All I’ve done is to advise him not to listen to anyone telling him to take the crap to get his ‘experience’ because it will generally count for nothing and just get him typecast as a mug with no ‘gumption’.
Tell the agencies to shove their ‘experience’ requirements where the sun doesn’t shine and either share out the work fairly, or walk away.

Good advice if Kenny wants to end up like you, a bitter, unemployed/unemployable failure.
I started doing the the dirty jobs, the crappy jobs and the jobs involving manual labour. I increased my career capital incrementally, to the point that I am now approached by people needing a reliable operator. I’ve been almost everywhere on this continent, except Tasmania.
Kenny, I worked my way to this position by cheerfully and diligently starting on ■■■■ trucks, doing ■■■■ work.
Kenny, take whatever is offered and give it 100% effort. If in a year your employer can’t or won’t offer you a place on the next rung, cast your net and move on. Rinse and repeat until you get to where you want to be.
My goal was the pinnacle of the industry, multi trailer fuel tankers for a multinational fuel company. On the way I got to do a wide variety of work from heavy haulage, a weekly three trailer delivery to two small towns’ supermarkets and pubs with three trailers to more mundane roles.
When you have earned a reputation for having a go, employers will be prepared to give you a start, even if they need to train you in the method and specialities of their operation.
If you get a start at the top, as Carryfast expected, there’s only one direction for you, down.
All the best with your endeavours, don’t let the lazy ■■■■■■■■ drag you down.