12 months experience required




Harry Monk:
Yes, that seems fair comment. And the way it should be really. I mean, if I was a haulier in the 1980s looking for a driver to do Italy runs, I’d be looking for somebody with their wits around them ready to make up a complete crock of crap to get out of a tricky situation with the Gendarmerie.

The trouble is that you always lacked the one thing needed to do the continental work you craved- gumption.

Yep and the roads of Europe and Asia look like they were often littered with the wreckage of the result of taking on people who would have found it challenge to keep the old council Clydesdale on the road and out of the ditch.
While obviously just adds to the evidence if you believe the start at the bottom narrative and take the crap work you’ll stay on it because you’ll be typecast as a mug with no ‘gumption’.

I’ve taken on a 21 year old lad and I’ve taken on men that moved from crap work to, as was invariably said, the best job they ever had. People get to do the fancy pants International work because I thought they would be a good driver. Yes they came recommended, but that wasn’t a guarantee of being taken on.

If in real life you are like you are on here CF, I’d have rather pushed the truck to Milan myself than taken you on.

Clydesdales were a marvellous machine. In a way…

Great maybe you can ‘recommend’ the OP so that the agencies will stop stitching him up with the experience word.

Anybody else see the irony of CF, the bloke who was given the arse from the industry over twenty years ago, waffling on about experience?