The wicked witch is recruiting



Up to date pictures of all posters commenting on Ms Bell’s appearance for comparison please - I could do with a laugh… :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw a holiday one of me & mrs , it looked like some old bloke of 70 ( I’m 60 ) with there daughter , it shocked me to be honest , old ,grey & a bag of bones , how I’d aged over last 10 yrs , whilst mrs doesn’t look much different to 30 yrs ago

Too many years of 15 hour days, lay bys and pot noodles doze me old mate. :wink:
It’s all took it’s toll. :smiley:

True (as always) story:
Saw a recent picture of someone at a family gathering.
“Whos that?" I asked. "■■ Thats you!”…and it was… and it wasn`t an handsome young man either…

My only excuse is that I don`t stand preening in front of mirrors all day long.