''Sweden is looking for Expiernced drivers''

Hello all,

Have been loitering round the perimeter fence for a while and finally joined hoping someone will offer me their advice/opinion.

I am a 57 year old EU national living in Jersey, Channel Islands, and have recently passed my Cat C. Will be speaking to a local company tomorrow and if successful will have six months experience by the summer.

The reason for taking the Cat C is my interest in moving to Sweden (North ideally). We do not have CPC in Jersey, and am not even sure the licence is transferable. Contacted both the Jersey and Swedish authorities but neither could tell me, so at least one hurdle remains, though not insurmountable.

In the opinion of those with knowledge of the country, how likely is it that a newbie like me with six months experience in Cat C be able to find a driving job, ideally in Northern Sweden?

Please feel free to forward this query to anyone else you think may be able to help.

Thank you all very much in advance.

A very merry and peaceful xmas :slight_smile: