Insecure load (with video)


All the fragile egos propped up by engines are starting to worry they’ll have to find a new prop. You sound a very insecure man. I bet you go on vegan pages on Facebook too to tell everyone how much meat you eat and how bloody you like a steak.

Oh look, it’s Trucknets very own James O’Brien. Hmmm, I don’t think your in any position to start making assumptions on peoples egos and insecurities when the evidence of yours is plastered all over the internet in video form. I don’t see the link between ego and my admiration for the internal combustion engine. To me it is a great piece of engineering that is the heart of a car and is what makes a car an awesome car to me. Therefore a car that is lacking said engine will always be of no interest to me, and in my eyes a piece of crap. I fail to be able to muster up any enthusiasm to an electric motor powered car instead of say the V8 M3 with is own adrenaline pumping soundtrack. To me these cars are the step to the future that is being forced on us that I have no interest in at all, electric self driving cars that humans have no input in, except to enter the destination. I’m not on Facebook or any other social media so no I don’t go on there bragging about how much meat I eat or how I like my steak cooked, and it’s lots and medium/well thanks. I wouldn’t bother communicating with the vegan community as their message that everyone should be vegan and be ashamed if your not is already getting through to me through other media so I’ll save myself the irritation
