About car transporter job


Maybe he’s dyslexic, in which case a translator will actually work against him.

I don’t see why you think you have this guy ‘bang to rights’… I see people who are English on this very forum, writing in English just as broken, in any case, I repeat : what’s the problem?

That’s quite…

Vociferous for your 8th post on TN.

There isn’t a problem, I’m suggesting he’s been playing a fun game and I’m calling him out on it. As you can see from other posts on this very thread, I’m not alone in my theories.

You are not alone.

I used to reply to his posts, in likewise gibberish, but the forum commisarz don’t like it. They didn’t like my response to dozy’s relentless gibberish either, which earned me my invitation to the exclusive members club of this parish… :grimacing: