Protesters On M25


They are Marxists masquerading as a doomsday cult.
They got exactly what they wanted, and that is a stick in the spokes of capitalism.
It has nothing to do with home insulation. The guy who started shoving them out the way should of been backed up.

Old woman I saw didnt look like a marxist. And even if she was the main thing is whether they are right. Which they are.

Really? What does your average Marxist look like? To my knowledge there are plenty of crusty looking hard lefties, in fact the majority seem to fit that description.
Right about what exactly? That we are experiencing climate change? We always have, and always will.
Man induced climate change? There are scientists who have been cancelled who argued against the flawed data that a lot of the hysteria is based on.
It is obvious we should not pump pollutants into the atmosphere with impunity, but the UK contribution is miniscule. I would have more respect for them if they focused on China and Russia, but as Marxists, that would be uncool.
To hear your cohorts bleating about keeping the temperature within a few degrees of ‘normal’ by eating lentils and cycling to work reminds of a latter day King Canute.
There seems to be no limit to some peoples arrogance. They blithely quote some statistic and follow a Clarkson like pause with…‘since records began’.
Mans time on this planet is infinitesimal compared with the eons that the earth has existed. So our records mean nothing much really.
In fact earth was at it most verdant and had its biggest animals when CO2 levels were far higher than they are now.
I actually will not listen to any argument about climate change unless the protaganist can state the economic answer to their proposals.
Otherwise , unless you live in a cave and eat plants, just shut the [zb] up, and stop being such a hypocrite.

Mod’s Edit:
If you need asterisks to get a word past the auto censor, that’s your clue that it’s a banned word. dd.