Denied access to toilets

As an outsider who has yet to pass my practical etc and as a woman this whole topic appalls me. Are these companies really so short sighted to not let someone go to the loo? Forget about the business side of things (and not ■■■■■■■ off the people who are important in your supply chain), it’s just basic human decency. And don’t get me started on the haulage companies not having your backs and letting it happen or forcing you to use lay-bys or bottles?! I think to combat the issue the hygienic side should be used as an angle. I see in job listings they say drivers are the face of the company yada yada so how is a driver who hasn’t washed their hands or have urine stained pants after an accident in a lay-by going to come across to their clients huh? -.-

And if I could play the “female” card for a moment, I keep hearing they want more women in the industry but how many women are gonna put up with being denied going to the toilets while delivering, especially while on their period? They need to cop on.