POA is as much to blame for our stagnant wages as EU drivers

…If the worst thing a firm can do to you - is sack you suddenly, so you cannot pay the month-end bills, which in turn puts you on the street…

IF you know you can walk into a job on the way home from being sacked, then you’re no longer afraid of being sacked - are you?

The firm - has lost it’s teeth.

That there are still enough drivers who DO fear losing their jobs - means that wages continue to stagnate there but not on those more localized bits of the transport industry where walkouts/walkaways are far more commong.

Thus, people don’t tend to walk away from “Dead Man’s Shoes” type jobs, but those over-worked, under-paid ZHC type workers, especially those that got furloughed or sacked already?..

The sky is already falling.. :exclamation: :bulb: