British road Services

Hi lads, not many of us left but now with election time upon us and Jeremy and co looking to nationalise everything in sight. could we see a resurgent BRS MK 2 ? slim chance I suppose , is it what todays drivers want ? standard wages and conditions and none of this daily moaning about agencies and all the rest of the crp we read about on this forum, having to go back to a 11hr day, proper overtime rates for nights and week ends etc how can it be that I read about a 15 hr day allowed in this day and age - it seems to me that as long as they can drive a blinged up truck they roll over to anything asked of them, do you think the industry has gone backwards -if so then drivers need to have a good look at themselves ! toshboy

You could be right Toshboy, but I wouldn’t hold your breath re doing away with agency workers, BRS or not. However agency working does not have to be all bad, perhaps better regulated, there are drivers I believe who prefer the comparative freedom it gives.

When I was manager at Toray I was forced for several years to employ agnecy drivers, because the company would not take on permanent staff. But they enjoyed almost the same conditions as the regular blokes because I only used the best agency, one which gave them holiday and sick pay, and they were with us pemanently in all but name only. But not one of them passed up the chance to come onto staff when the brakes were released. When I stood down as manager there was not one driver left who had not been agency previously.

But 15 hour days? Outrageous, I don’t even come near that even now in my car. 10 hours max driving and 12 spread for me, and often much less. When I was asked to do 15s with my last employer (French) I refused.