Failed agaaaain!


Try this drink before a test… In fact this is for any one who has anxiety or bad nerves … Its legal and safe .

Proper Coffee not instant crap, real Honey (not supermarket crap) , L theanine powder from (i use this one as it has zero bulking agents and is pure green tea extract 200mg in one shot…

mix with Cinnamon extract, Rock salt, Collagen & vit C and Almond milk… sounds odd hey? Coffee■■? uh… :laughing:

This is what Pro golfers use to get the energy from caffeine, but the calm from the rest ,you must use L theanine,it is green tea extract it will 100 % calm your nerves… You can just buy the l theanine but it can make for a slower reaction without the caffeine

Failing that use Peter Smyth transport :smiley:

Wow, thanks, sounds healthy!!