Any old promotor drivers around

Roger Graber and I attended Richard “Bill” Phillips’s funeral on Friday at Badger’s Mount just beyond Laver’s yard. “Take it up Laver’s” as Pete used to say.

The funeral was very upbeat for such an occasion with a video of Bill singing and the mourners joining in his rendition of “Sweet Caroline” (was he related to Bugsy?). We met Bill’s daughters, both chips off the family block - and his younger brother - and raised a glass to Bill after the service at the Duke’s Head - a pub just a few hundred yards from the Rose & Crown where we all drank with Staggie in the old days.

At the wake afterwards Roger and I had the pleasure of meeting some old-Pros, two very nice fellows; Steve and Frank and talked about the good old days and what a nice fellow Bill was. He really was.
image001.jpg Bill departed rather young I’d say.

I had been thinking in recent times that it would be good to have had a Promotor reunion - but so many have fallen in the last couple of years. Maybe too late now.

A fond farewell to Richard “Bill” Phillips