roping and sheeting

Feels like i am been stalked!!
Every picture i post on Facebook Buzzer posts it here on Trucknet later the same day.
[zb] pathetic.

If you don’t mind me asking Paul why are you posting class shots like this last one on “arse book” and not on TNUK where I’m sure the Great Tommy R would have preferred them to be shown ? Unless of course you have got an issue with TN which I wouldn’t blame you if that was the case ! As I wouldn’t touch “arse book” with a barge pole it probably looks as if I may not now be able enjoy the likes of the shot that Buzzer has posted today ! And not to put too finer point on the matter I reckon that along with me and some of the other stalwarts( from yesteryear) on TN we will probably be the only ones who would know what we were looking at ! i.e. the back end of a W & J R 8 wheeler roped and sheeted correctly !
A bit disappointed but I suppose it’s progress ! :blush: :unamused: :wink: Cheers Dennis.