ERF 'European' (1975)

Les…in all fairness…Robert/Rowena DID a hell of a job but was very keen in publishing the best and end of results.
The fact is that some of the chassis did get a second and even third chance without knowing when/where the chassis
was operational. I have been hindered despite some archives (Belgium) that there were cross-sales and everybody was
counting (Dean Barlett brrr.O his 10 sheep to count within a group of let’s say seventy sheep. The majority of chassis
mentioned were neglected, Delsaert, Cockerill, Hye if/and when the chassis went to Cauvas (or not) and got Volvo-axles)
at least EVERYTHING was doubted and neglected. I don’t mind.,…but the don’t start an inviting thread for more as you
dislike the results. TO me NGC’s were close to 120 chassis and with all respect we’re all able to count that series.