Bedfordshire hauliers past & current


That sounds about right. The yard in Bedford was shared at one time with Buckdales whilst a previous occupant was the GPO ( I think ) as a vehicle workshop. Opposite was/is Greeenhow and Wrights builders merchant.

You’re both right, the old man was a bit of an eccentric, I remember he staged a protest in town, forget what it was about but I think someone owed him money but couldn’t swear to that. He had quite a nice roller he drove around in.

He also had a Cessna aircraft that he kept at the College of Aeronautics and yes he was seen to be a bit eccentric lol. But he employed quite a number of local people and that was good for the local economy. I knew him and many of the staff that worked for him, his yard was at the rear of Brands Garage ( where I worked for 2 years, which is now RGR’s Ford garage. Old locals used to call him Sir " Richard ", taking the pee, but he was harmless…