Would you go back to murfitts if they started up again?

Where was the pancake bar,on the cherbourg road,Nantes area.Mother and daughter,went in once when the daughter was wearing a neck brace,her cat distracted her while driving and she rolled it down a ditch.Lot of brits stopped for a 45 there,crepes was the speciality,think they called the Creperie.More than likely to be a weight limit now,as the roads we used to use are now changed to “D” status to get us on the toll road.Is Colin still living in St Genis de Saintonage,coppers allways there for the ban time to start,some would risk running through the village.Claudes old rouitier with the englishman that fiddled the pumps,got jail time,big guy with a beard and attitude.Tours to Rouen dont feel like the same as it was in the 90`s.No time for a chat and open a crate of beer or two,then a wine or three with the meal.