Idea For New Car Drivers

I usually drive school buses, the carry on that the mothers get themselves into is unbelievable unless you are a trucker and do school deliveries. They complain about buses doing 100 mph and being on “my” side of the road etc. If new drivers had the chance to sit and observe what goes on in a large vehicle they might gain a better understanding of what and why things happen.

I’ll tell you a little story about school bus drivers.
Back where we lived in the UK we lived near a secondary school.
The school buses (usually 4 or 5) used to come all at once following each other and caused absolute chaos. Maybe spacing them every five minutes might have made it easier for other drivers.

Regarding new drivers sitting in LGV or pcv it was tried by some training companies many years ago and did not work. New drivers can’t grasp the concept of how much room a larger vehicle needs especially when they can hardly grasp driving a car.

I still say any decent professional driver will adapt their driving to allow for others mistakes.
Its the way its always been although standards are appalling by some of both parties. Me, me, me, selfish prats who have no patience. You know the type. :wink: