Driver Shortage Theory


These characters had a licence for a tractor and trailer back home, however, the EU translated it to a HGV licence.

Who makes that ■■■■ up? And, more importantly, who believes that crap?

Actually, most of Europe had the standardized categories of driving licenses (A, B, C, D, +E etc.) for much longer than Britain. So no, there was no way tractor license was re-written into C+E license, as, unlike in Britain, most of the countries already had European standard categories when the EU unified its driving licenses in 2003.

It just happened that I recently passed my C+E test in Poland (until now I only had C) and I was showing it to a British colleague of mine, who did the same in Britain and we compared notes, i.e: I showed him this clip depicting first half of the practical exam:

He agreed with me that British test is easier and said he would never be able to do that. Then a more experienced class 1 driver came, look over my shoulder, watched for a while and said “■■■■ this, I would not be able to do that as well” and went away :slight_smile:

So next time if one want to make a laugh about drivers who will get into the trade without being properly trained, I suggest taking on Britons, who will be able to go straight to C+E and would be able to pass their tests without coupling or uncoupling or showing that they know how to reverse…