Day work Vs Tramping

blue estate:
Over the last month I’ve taken a good hard look at what hours I’ve been working and the :5/6am starts and still going at 8/9pm aren’t good :imp: also not getting home most Fridays till 8/9pm :imp: :imp: and that’s on full tramping salaried doing work for 2excell
So I’ve knocked that on the head and restart back at my old job on Monday hourly paid guaranteed 48 hours and OT after but will be mostly days now not night not nights out like when I was there last , But works out only £80 less take home for a lot less hours :smiley:
Am I mad to go back or very sane as I only need to do 6/7 hours OT to get same money and still be doing 20 hours less :smiley: :smiley:

You’ve answered your own question. You are doing 20 hours a week less and going home every night. Plus if you really need the £80 you are losing and do the 6-7 hours OT to achieve it then you are still 13/14 hours better off.