Rules and etiquette for night drivers at hubs


Punchy Dan:
It baffles me why truck stops allow changeovers at night they can’t be that desperate for the few quid it must pay them ,I’ve witness the disturbance cause by your lot at Lockerbie that’s why I won’t stay there anymore.

A couple of times I did day runs up to Scotland and nighted out at Lockerbie so I know what you mean. You need to be at least half way up one of the rows anywhere near the changeover area to be shielded from the noise.

We’ve not used Lockerbie in over a year since one driver tore the ligaments out of his knee and had to be taken to hospital and another driver nearly got run over when he tripped in front of a lorry due to the shoddy potholed, pock filled, crater filled looks like the surface of the moon state of the changeover area. You’ll just have to put up with the other companies that also used it.

As for the few quid it must pay them, they earn loads. They typically charge between £4-£5 per vehicle per changeover. So in the case of our lot they were getting over £50 per night plus what we spent in the shop and the cafe so £250 a week, £13,000 a year for renting out a bit of tarmac for an hour twice a night just for us. Curries used to use them, Wren, quite a lot of companies used to use that spot for changeovers. They must have easily been getting the thick end of £80k-100k a year out of that changeover area however I doubt they are now as it’s interesting that several of the companies who also used to do the most changeovers at Lockerbie are now doing them at Eccelfechan where we moved to where it’s a nice large well lit smooth solid concrete parking with clearly marked out spaces.

So feel free to try Lockerbie again, virtually everyone who used to use it the most abandoned the changeover area due to the state it was in and moved elsewhere.

Yes move further up towards the railway line :laughing: not for me ta .