Brexit stuff in one place [MERGED]



Further to the video on Spain, here is one from VOA,
Future UK retirees who would otherwise have gone to Spain will now stay in the UK.
At the same time we are trying to stop foreign workers from entering the UK.
So more elderly residents here, using UK facilities rather than Spanish ones.
Fewer younger workers arriving here to work and pay taxes.
More people in our Social and Health care systems, with fewer to pay for them and work in them.
Anyway RobRoy said he would remind me about the Brexit result?
Remind me how the vote went then?
And how the “easiest trade agreement in history” went?
How did the “all ups, no downside” turn out?
Is “frictionless trade” frictionless?
Is Northern Ireland as promised? What is the current result there?
How are the UK import checks, put off until April 1st, working out?
What results do you want to remind me of?
HKLOSS is correct, you won the Brexit vote.
And?.. over to you RR.

Of the retirees in Spain how many come back to use the NHS when ill? In 2016 a woman on a radio show in Ireland said the biggest problem for her with Brexit was it may stop her using the NHS, she had lived in Ireland for over 20 years, so good chance that expats are already using the NHS, or the expats who school their children in the UK. In the main UK expats are among the most odius goup of people you can meet they don’t intergrate and expect the UK to still support them while sitting there saying what a kip the UK is and wouldn’t want to live there as it’s too full of foreigners :open_mouth: I think most people find it amusing the position these people are now in, if they were legitimate then they’ll have no problems but for the many who aren’t tough.

No one is stopping workers coming into the UK the difference now is that it is not a free for all. If you caught a ferry out of Calais on a Friday night prior to Brexit you would see the bus loads of Romanians and Bulgarians coming in, nothing wrong in principle except unlike when the initial immigration came from Poland etc it was young workers the Ro and BG are whole families so Grandma, parents and then 3 or 4 children explain what economic benefit they bring? Working in scam car washes etc. Last week on the ferry a classic example a Ro or Bg family grandma, two parents 4 children the eldest of which was pregnant unless he’s going to be a high level tax payer no benefit at all to the UK.

To you and Hkloss it is all about trade but that is not the be all and end all, trade will sort itself out I’ll let you publish March’s trade figures with the EU surprised you haven’t done it already but then seeing as they are about a billion shy of December 2020 figures not so newsworthy!
The UK was totally unprepared for the introduction of free movement and that was the fault of the government at the time not the EU, remember the figure from Labour only around 13,000 are expected to come :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: UK business took advantage of the cheap labour and didn’t invest in technology hence despite the influx of people GDP is down despite the economy doing reasonably well, people did not see the benefit any surprise that when given the chance they voted for change. Where was the consultation for all this change? Remember the promised referendum by Blair on the Lisbon treaty what happened to that? The EU is on a drive for closer and closer intergration some of us didn’t want that and every crisis is an excuse for more intergration instead of trying to solve the cause of the crisis and prevent it from happening again. The appointment of VDL being classic EU politicking rather than appointing a capable person able to do the job a deal was done to keep the two major powers happy. If someone asked you for a job and their CV showed that they had failed in their last two major roles would you give them the job?

Lots of interesting points. And I really like your literary construction too: the serious stuff followed by a few sentences of high humour. Excellent laugh!

Those who have worked in the UK all their lives have earned the right to NHS care whenever they want havent they? Isnt it the UK that picks up the tab if they are treated in their new place of residence? In the future, due to means testing, and curtailment of freedom of movement, fewer may be leaving our shores soon, so we can expect more use for our NHS, instead of sub-contracting care out to other countries.
Is health care dearer here or Spain I wonder? Since the NHS is paying for it wherever it is taken, isnt it better in a cheaper less strained place? As many who were planning on retiring abroad wont be able to, we will see over the coming years.

And the expats who eave in the 20’s and 30’s yet have lifelong access to the NHS?
Ex-Pats schooling their children in the UK? Do you mean non-UK tax payers with kids in state schools? Id be surprised if that is happening, and be very against it. Have mentioned before about the French expat who said she would not school her children in France and leaves them with the grandparents during term time Workers in scam car washes? A clear case for the UK authorities to take an active role and stop them. They are not exactly un-noticable are they? And a good case for those using them to query how they can be legit, and report them, stop using them, and stop feeding them. Would accept that we live in a type of capitalist system that is effectively a Ponzi scheme? It survive it needs new workers all the time. We need new labour. You say you arent against immigrant workers. You say you have no respect for UK ex pats who don`t integrate in their host country.
You seem though to object to those who bring their families here with them? Do you only want workers here to work, live in lodging and send their earning to families abroad? Do we want young single men working to take, and having no long term future plans?
Many new immigrants take lower paid jobs. They may not be high tax payers, but they are the essential foundation upon which we all depend. They often need more than one job in our expensive cities with shortages of housing etc. A grand-parent makes for a free baby sitter so Mum and Dad can both work. A family makes for a more stable citizen. Children properly educated will integrate easier, and they too will become good citizens.

Pro free for all immigration always talk about the economic benefits explain the economic benefit of a family of seven soon to be eight? £15000 a year in school costs and £2348 average cost to the NHS for a birth that is some deficit they are starting from try going to the USA, Canada or Australia in that postion and getting a visa. I know you will come back that we have our own people who contribute very little but that doesn’t mean we have to import others in the same position
More to it than just money?
I totally agree.

We need a proper system that allows people in on a needs basis as happens in other countries, car washing or selling the Big Issue will probably never be on that list, already there is quite a noticable rise in wages for driving now there is no longer a ready supply of drivers prepared to work for lower rates.