As a truck driver, which European language is best to learn


Just to add people will say the only EU work left for UK companies is tour work where they can be gone for months but as a tip try and look out for the trucks with “Angles morts” stickers and UK stickers on the back (Ones with GB if they go over the water still should have replaced them so might mean they have not been over in some time). I do plenty of 1 week trips and up to 3 weeks a couple of times a year.

I don’t mind going for few weeks traveling. In fact I like the idea. I don’t have a family to worry about. I just need a place to shower and eat. A gym would be great too but I can always do body workouts until I get to a gym. Yes I’ll miss my friends but I only see them once or twice a month anyway so it’s not a problem for me.

Similar circumstances to myself, I’m not one of these lot with loads of hair growing out my ears talking about the good old days. Passed my test at 21 and first went to Europe when 26, now 35 so I don’t have previous experience of what it used to be like. All I can say is though with the right company you can make good money and have good experiences. Two weekends ago I was parked up outside Munich, in a hotel for the weekend and went to watch Bayern Munich play, it was St Patrick day in Munich that weekend and I went to a a beer hall later. Can’t comment on the local gyms though :laughing: