Workers rights



Norvenors like the Notts miners who obviously weren’t behind him v the Kent miners first out and last to go back.
Southerners indeed

I live in Nottingham and so subsequently Nottinghamshire and I’m pretty certain we are not in the “North” nor are Northerners.

North of Watford? Of course you`re Northerners.
Ask any Member of Parliament! :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: I know that’s the usual example given, that or Watford Gap services. If you speak to people who really are from “the North” though and they class us as Southerners. Curious what the cutoff point is from the other end in the North/South debate. Reality is we are neither and are from the “The Midlands” but it’s always a bit of fun gaining opinions from both ends of the country.