Brexit stuff in one place [MERGED]

be a waste of time.

Because a 27 page conversation complaining about a vote that took place 5 YEARS AGO that is going to do absolutely sweet ■■■■ all in terms of a result change …isn’t??

The irony. :laughing:

Here’s a suggestion that ain’t a waste of time, …
You’ve been dealt your cards, but you don’t like your hand.
Play it, make the best of it… and ffs.

MOVE ON :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:
Most of us have, and are bored ■■■■ less with all this, you and Kloss should be practicing PM heaven instead.
You could say don’t read it and on the whole I don’t, but occasionally I do dip into it fascinated and astounded how the two of you (especially him :unamused: ) actually wallow in your bitterness, completely oblivious of how you come across to others.

Point made. :smiley: