Religious nutter tied in knots

People did divorce one hundred years ago but if you look at the statistics,it was very rare ,like one in a thousand in america in the 1850s,a quick google search just told me.Why has the rate increased so mu h since then?
It isnt a Chrustian thing to do,to take a child away from its mother or send a mother and her unwanted children to an institution.Im sure this sort of thing went on,I believe you,without even needing to look it up.

It’s got the far end of f/all to do with Christianity, it’s called social evolution, social change, most people move with the times and adapt,.whether it be positively or adversely, otherwise we would still have the same attitudes and ways as our ancestors did.
A bit like music trends,.or fashion, to put an analogy on it.
We ain’t all stuck in the Middle ages with our attitudes you know. :bulb:

As for the other thing…it did exist,.trust me.
Mostly because of repressed religious attitudes by parents of the young girls.