High electricity & gas prices!



The energy companies made tens of billions in undeserved, unexpected profits tho. Why should they get to keep it?

Why shouldnt they have a quiter year and help everyone out with prices? Theyve made a fortune out of us - surely a year with smaller profits wont kill them?

I think you’d be happier going and living in Russia.
Do you know how hard it is to find and drill for oil and then transport and process it? Have you done it?

What have they done to deserve it? Nothing. It’s just because of a war a thousand miles away. Drilling for oil isn’t so hard you need to make 10 billion every 3 months. Especially when you were only expecting to make 2 or 3 billion. There’s a lot of people working harder than any oil company ever will for a lot less money than that. Those Saudi Sheiks and princes don’t impress me with how much work they do. Do they impress you?

Imagine if a few of those companies were government owned like Sweden - all those profits would be going to us instead of a few private equity billionaires and foreign governments who now own our energy supply.

At a shareholders meeting the chairman of BP said they make more money from selling sandwiches in relation to return on investment from oil exploration, processing etc.
Here,my gas and electricity supplier had a scheme over the winter to pay back consumers who economised by 25 % usage. As it happened i was away a lot. The direct debits this month were 0.67 cents and 0.37 cents as i ‘earned’ a 90 euro bonus.