Religious nutter tied in knots


My question is about ,what you call normal Christians.
Are they still required to follow the teachings of Christ in the Bible or can they just live theit lives just the same as atheists?

They can try following the teachings, but be like IKEA instruction manuals without any pictures…

And in relation to your main question, it’s a bit like asking if a baker should follow a recipe. Of course, they should!
But as with any recipe, some steps may be more important than others, and some ingredients may be substituted or left out entirely.
Likewise, Christias are encouraged to follow the teachings of Jesus in the Bible,
but there is room for interpretation and personal beliefs.
The key is to approach the text with an open mind, a critical eye, and a willingness to learn and grow, :

That just about covers it,.although it’s a bloody stupid question…how tf can they live their lives just the same as atheists, when they believe in a non existent supernatural being…that is the whole difference between the religious and the non religious ffs . :unamused:

In the 1600s when we were burning witches and the general public feared their fire and brimstone type preachers who put them in fear of eternal damnation if they did not toe the line, …then living like our Mr Sploom would be classed as normal.

What I was taught as kid was The Bible was a guide to being a good person,. rather than a literal instruction kind of 'Haines Manual ’ type jobby…, a guide that is/was, interpreted rather than taken literal…maybe apart from the 10 commandments speaking generally.

To put it in an analogy to what you were on about a recipe book, if you found a cook book that was over 2000 years old telling you how to make bread, you would adapt it to modern times,.you would not be using clay fired ovens and age old techniques…and this is how most modern Christian people live their lives, interpret and adapt…and are generally good people…aka normal human beings. :bulb:

It does not make them '‘2nd Class Christians’ compared to the fanatical nut jobs, who take everything absolutely literal, consequently leading a miserable repressed life, going against most things that are pertaining to human nature,…■■■ before marriage springs to mind,.and the homosexuality chestnut.

Anyway why tf are you asking me this question when I’ve made my position on all this crystal…or am I being somehow groomed here,.a victim of the evil techniques to win me over to all this crap. :laughing: