High electricity & gas prices!

Oops, I almost forgot:

Fact Check:

Live UK Gas Wholesale Price chart.

Simply set the chart to “1 week” to get how much the price has moved over the past few years…

People should be writing to their MPs to question why it is that a now government-owned outfit like Octopus is permitted to charge us ALL as if the price were still 800 rather than the 149 it is as I write this…

Our monthly bills - should already be back below £100 a month for dual fuel already!

My bill for December came in at £374, and I only have the heating on for 10-minute bursts - just to keep the damp away from promoting growth on my walls otherwise… Yes, I get the £67 per month “Help” - but that’s a drop in a bucket already by the looks of it, and ceases at the end of this financial year. What we supposed to do next? “Pray for Putin’s Demise” every night on our knees as we climb into bed, wearing our thick wollens? :angry: