The future they have planned for you and why

The fact that I asked them to their faces………. Snip……….forcing them to laughably lie in front of witnesses that they ‘don’t know’, is my victory either way.

You asked them to their faces? Way to go Tiger, bet that had them rethinking their whole ethos! Either that or they were furtively looking around for a nice jacket that fastened at the back just for you.

Your victory! :smiley: :smiley: I’m afraid that your idea of victory and mine wildly differ my friend. All you’ve proved is the old adage that an empty vessel makes the most noise.

I haven’t had the vaccine and do not intend to. The difference between us though is that I’m not gobbing off to anyone who’ll listen that it’s poison/gene altering/mind controlling (delete as appropriate), the reason for that is I have the courage of my convictions and am prepared to act on them. History may show that I was mistaken, if that’s the case then so be it, but I can at least say I stuck to my guns.