Zilupe Latvia Border Crossing into Russia

Hello everyone, has anybody on here used this border crossing recently ? If so whats it like.
The reason being im currently planning a motorbike trip to Moscow in june hopefully using this border crossing.
Also any idea what the M9, E22 road is like, seen some footage on you tube however this was a few years ago and looked really bad!
Has it improved at all, or has it got even worse.
Any help, tips or advice much appreciated
Many thanks
The Archer.

The crossing you mean is called is Terehova . The road last time I went in 2012 was very rough big tram lines and pot holes and not actually a motorway just like a single carage way here .bare in mind in the 750ks to Moscow you will only pass thru a few villages but there are a few garages here and there but fill up when you can and don’t be tempted to ride at night there are a few hotels on the side of the road but nothing of European standard . the road is a bit boring absolutely nothing to see. the road turns into motorway about 80k from Moscow il try and post some pictures of the road for you and don’t expect any warnings for roadworks

road can do this with no warning they where doing it up at the time but only putting a layer of tarmac after smoothing it out hope this helps

Bought back some memories those pics.

Bought back some memories those pics.

Yeh mainly the hangover we all had at the time lol

Lol.That i am definitely trying to forget

Lol.That i am definitely trying to forget

Yeh I still aint touched vodka since

Lol.That i am definitely trying to forget

still aint touched vodka since