Wrong way round?

:smiley: Where’s me wooden spoon :sunglasses: Anyway, WTD again.
As we have heard, other duties is crossed hammers, and POA crap is square with a line through. This seems the wrong way round to me. If square with a line was all other duties before why make it POA now ? :confused: :frowning: and then say crossed hammers is other duties ? :angry: :imp:
Guess who’s gonna get that wrong for probably several months. :imp: Idiots.
Anyone else think its the wrong way round ?

those were my thoughts too.all this time weve used the square for O/D ,and now we have to use crossed hammer,i smell a conspiracy.

I thought the same, but the people who thought it up aren’t bright enough for a conspiracy, it’s more likely to be a [zb] up :wink:

Use whatever you want but don’t complain when it comes to the middle of July (17 week average) or middle of August (26 week average) and your TM says to you that you can’t work for the next 2 to 6 weeks because you’ve not got any hours left as your PoAs were recorded as other work.

No matter how you do it, you can only work 1248hrs every 6 months. Use them wisely.

Cos of the type of work I do, (float glass), arrive at customer, drop frame and wait while customer unloads it ,approx 1 to 1.5 hours, then load frame back on trailer and away, actual time that I do any work as such at drop is about 10 minutes, therefore everything else is put on bed as I am free to wander round and get bacon butty etc or whatever. One of the other drivers asked VOSA bloke about what we should do and after explaining above VOSA said keep on leaving it on bed! :confused:

The confusion stems from how Council Regulation EC 3821/85 was enacted in the UK back in 1986.

Under Article 15.3 the use of the different mode switch setting is defined as;

(b) ‘crossed hammers’ all other periods of work

(c) ‘square box’ other periods of availability namely;

  • waiting time, i.e the period during which drivers need remain at their posts only for the purpose of answering any calls to start or resume driving or to carry out other work.
  • time spent beside the driver whilst the vehicle is in motion.
  • time spent on a bunk whilst the vehicle is in motion.

Article 15.4 says; ’ Each member state may permit all the periods referred to in Paragraph 3 second indent (b) (crossed hammers) and (c) (square box) may be recorded under the sign ‘square box’ on the record sheets used on vehicles registered in its territory.

All the suggestion under RTD is that we revert to the original use of the mode switch under 15.3;

crossed hammers = work eg physical loading/unloading, fuelling, washing the vehicle, paperwork etc.

square box = time spent on duty, when not working and not able to freely dispose of you time (the definition of ‘rest’) eg periods of availablility, sitting in the passenger seat of a double manned vehicle.

What Penfold said about using the bed symbol to record loading/unloading is correct,. Provided that you take no part in the process and are free to walk away and go and get a coffee/ bacon butty etc.