Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

There are not supposed to be any Remainers left in this country now, just as there were not supposed to be any Germans or German sympathizers in the country by 1940…

Meanwhile, on the home front I suspect a growing momentum push to get the general public to further despise the elderly, whilst pretending to be “fake medical staff” themselves - when in fact they are most likely ORDERLIES…

Why is it that Supermarket stores are NOT asking people for “Hospital ID” during these early-morning sessions we hear of?

I’ve had it up to here with “Fake Refugees” and “Fake Disabled people” and now it is going to be “Fake Doctors and Nurses” that are in fact Non-Medical staff but nonetheless “NHS workers” - but not the ones the red carpet is supposed to be being rolled out for at supermarkets!!! - I suspect the very ones who seem to be clearing the shelves right in front of the elderly shopping with them - leaving those old folk with little or nothing on the shelves IN these “special early-morning sessions”… UNITE and UNISON have a lot to answer for! They are the “Enemy Within” now, from the sheer weight of Momentum activists harboured at those two unions in particular… At every turn, these activists are STILL politically attacking our government - just as Boris is upto his eyeballs trying to bring us together. There’s even reports that “Young” people - are spitting at Police, Medical Staff, and the elderly - which is bang out of order, and surely a jailable Atttempted Murder crime - IF the government woke up to these momentum hoards who are in fact ANARCHISTS. If they were not anarchists, but merely Jeremy Corbyn’s campaigners - then how come they have not yet been disbanded?

The Elderly are now most likely to catch Covid-19 from these NHS workers who rank not above the cleaners, not doing a very good job of cleaning, as we already know what with bedside tables being wiped down with dirty cloths, no Matron for decades, and actual medical staff rushed off their feet doing what should be the Cleaner’s jobs - like Bedpans, disposing of waste, etc…

Perhaps the time has come for Hospitals to PURGE all their non-medical staff now, doubling the pay of actual medical staff still there, and Bring Back Matron.

Let’s see Boris Johnson declare Momentum as a terrorist outfit now. Get the Law and Order thing locked down - before we have the blatent murder of children, the elderly and officialdom public (Anyone “Not Momentum” is a target, if I’m correct…) at the hands of people hiding behind the “I have mental health issues” arguments!!

Too much effort has been made to crush the Far Right - with no effort whatsoever to get rid of the 5th column, still alive and well in Momentum.
Muggers, Sabateurs, Terrorists, and the biggest “What about” political liars of all time - and that’s just the ones with jobs - what of those living on benefits able to freely move about under the guise of “whomever else is allowed out right now”?

Enforce the laws Boris - Hurry up about it! :frowning:

So David Icke has had his live stream busted - because people were speaking on there of a connection between 5G and the CoronaVirus…

It always struck me as being a bit daft to “get people to ingore a conspiracy theory” and then effectively bump it to the top of everyone’s attention span…?!

Just as we can make comparisons to the 1975 original “Survivors” series…

There’s another series I remember as a kid from the same year - “The Changes” 1975…

A strange electromagnetic transmission - adversely affects the mental health of the entire population - making them turn against metal man-made objects in particular…

(Works OK via adblock, no subtitles, ads - clean kids programme, no swearing. Contains some domestic abuse towards domestic appliances…)

Let’s see Boris Johnson hurry up and get better, and then kick this previously intended 5G hookup - into touch…
“It’s the only way to be sure”.

Today, let’s try and see the difference between “Good Conspiracy” and “Bad Conspiracy”.

We have a two-party political system in this country, where a load of people would never vote for their diametrically opposite political party to them…
For everyone else in-between that can be sold to…

THEY get to decide the results of general elections.

That being said, we’ve heard lots of negative reasons from both Left and Right as to this Coronavirus involving some conspiracy or other…

“It is the Chinese Government”
“It is the Zionists”
“It is the Tories”
“It is the Anarchists”
“It is Exctinction Rebellion”…

If one steps back for a moment, and considers the maxim “Fortune Passes Everywhere”…

Just because the Green Lobby have benefited out of this lock-down - doesn’t mean they are behind it.
Just because Boris, Prince Charles, and other rich and famous types “didn’t actually die” - doesn’t mean that they engineered this.
Just because no bank has gone bust yet - doesn’t mean the Zionists are upto their old tricks again…
Nor is it “Stealth Terrorism” nor “5th Columnists” upto no good.

So let’s look at some GOOD things that might not just come, but stay after this crisis is over…

…Public health via immunity - might leave us all (wider humanity) with better resistances to all kinds of other ailments and pathogens…
…If wages fall but the cost of living falls faster still (as usually happens in a “deflationary crash” - we’ll soon see one of the most creative generations of talent in our lifetimes.
Think of all the household names that started up on the 30’s for instance, either born that decade, grew up in that decade, or founded a company in that decade…
“Lean and Fit - the veritable Charles Atlas Seal of Approval”?

Art and Music - Cartoons, Bands, fully-trained Medical personnel…

…Only this time around, no matter how low wages go - we have the safety net of the Minimum wage - something we didn’t have during the depression years, nor during the wars, nor even during the cold war…
Firms can only duck their wages so below before they have to put something non-monetary on the table to entice staff to come sign up with their firm, rather than their rivals…

NOT “Perks and Freebies” I’d suggest, but rather just the quiet respect that makes each valued member of staff actually FEEL valued. Where “seniority” is about how old you are rather than how long you’ve worked for the company… Where takehome pay is better in real terms, because your pay dropping meant your taxes dropping faster still…

It is possible to prosper during a downturn.
Being prepared for what is coming - is half that battle, of course.

We may now enter a time where “Big Business is Doomed” - but not the wider public.
We had an Oil Glut a week ago that saw people being paid to 2x2 barrels on a pallet away for a payment of $100 to anyone with a pickup truck to take it, and a barn somewhere in the deep south to store it.

Who’s to say we might not see such a “glut” happening with regards to food and drink next?
Alcohol seems to be strangely on special offer at supermarkets, although it isn’t so strange if one thinks that “Parties have been banned”, but I’d humbly suggest that it has never been cheaper to get sloshed in the comfort of your own armchair in front of a TV at home than now…
Supermarkets - seem to be struggling more with this “social distancing” thing than smaller outlets, especially corner shops who can set their own rules to suit:
It is hard to see the old Supermarket Turnover ever recover, especially whilst the lock-down continues…
CORNER shops on the other hand - already had signs outside such as “Only two schoolkids at a time in this shop” or “No dogs except Guide Dogs”.
Their through-put rate of customers spending cash at the till - won’t have dropped by nearly as much as any kind of “Superstore”…

…What I’m getting at here - is we might now have the start of a “Small Shopkeeper’s Revolution” where people just don’t need to go far to meet all their nutritional and cullinary needs…
A lot of Eaterie outlets will fail, but those that survive - will outrageously thrive!

People who used to commute 50+ miles to work 5 days per week to a paper or air job that paid barely enough extra to make such a long trip worth-while - might decide having coped with being stuck in their own towns and villages for a while - that they can take a local job, take a pay cut and STILL be better off, their presence on the highway - no longer being a thorn in the side of us pro drivers, to boot!

The Economy - will not have a ‘V’ shaped recovery alas, nor even a fast “'U” shaped one…

It WILL come back totally CHANGED however.

People Gain
Green Interests Gain
Small Shops Gain
Local creators gain.
UK Gains
USA Gains
Russia Gains
India Gains


Banks Fail
Big Business Fails
Overseas outlets for our cash - fail.
China Fails
The EU fails
Brazil Fails
Africa Fails

All we Brits have to do - is sit tight, and realize we are in one of the best lifeboats on the planet right now. :bulb:

IF Covid has been blown out of proportion from the start…

Ask yourselves “What is achieved by ending the lockdown, but extending the social distancing”…


Big Business - struggles to recover market share in the “changed big society” we’ve now backdoored into, by accident or design of our current Tories, who supposedly have nothing to do with Cameron’s old agenda…

Small businesses - will thrive on the other hand, as they now have people laid off from faraway commuter work taken on locally for far less money, but less incentive to go out and waste higher overhead costs…
Although the lock-down is over in all-but-name by this point, people discover that to earn half the money locally, buying your food locally, and taking your holidays locally as well - means your spending as a household drops even faster than your pay did. Your disposable income goes UP. :open_mouth: There might even be a baby boom if previously working commuter couples end up being “Dad works for half pay locally, Mum gets job at local parade of shops” meaning a return of things like “Family Dinners” and Dad getting rid of the Merc or Audi that he used to commute to town in…

The first everyone will notice here is “rather busy townie roads” at the same time as “deserted cross-country trunk roads”…

NO return of “Rat Race” rush-hour traffic on roads like the M25 or M1 - We’re already seeing a clean-up of the environment as a result of “less traffic”, and more noticably “no vapour trails in the sky”…

This is the biggest upheaval we’ve seen for a full century, let alone our own lifetimes.
Even during the Blitz - you could go down the pub and socialize, go to work, walking around the sandbags, with your gasmask and tin hat hanging off your belt…

Not so this time.

Businesses that rely on “social activity” are doomed, but hey - we’d already lost most of our pubs… No further noticable harm done there then.
What about Eateries? Fine - if you cook up a product that people within walking distance want to buy, or can at least deliver food to a wider area using minimum wage drivers… Lots of new jobs for such drivers huh?
Then there’s “Corporate Hospitality” - Toally doomed imo, but then again, “Who cares” if you don’t have any of your own household income relying on this particular sector.
Mummy used to work in PR, and Daddy used to be a big-shot Yuman Rights Lawyer doing taxpayer-funded work for people he can now no longer even meet up with! Oh dear! - How are the mighty fallen! :smiling_imp:
The rest of us see “Another couple of flash cars missing off the M25 this morning…”. :stuck_out_tongue:

What I’m getting at here is that “Socially Distanced” becomes the new Norm.

Other knock-on effects, are “less diseases spread” across the entire spectrum, Everything from Colds and Flu to the Clap…
A healthier society then, and more importantly one far less reliant upon the NHS.
The collapse in fuel prices - is a symptom rather than a benefit of what is already happening here.
I won’t just suggest that “We’ve seen Oil at $100 for the last time” - but we’ve also seen “Oil at even $50 for the last time” as well, despite Oil starting this year above that level.
[Цены на нефть сегодня | Онлайн графики цен нефти Brent и WTI]

I also suggest that food prices will come DOWN rather than “Rise”, as we move towards becoming self-sufficient in our own farming capabilities again.
No More “■■■■ Seed” and “Lavender” by the time we’re done… More “Thanet Earth” type places popping up though.
Food Imports will continue to take place with regards to Tropical fruits, or stuff that continues to be cheaper from overseas, such as Mass-produced pet food, which we’re already stocking on our shelves.
No need to “Eat our own pets” any time soon then!

The EU? - We’re already able to continue importing EU grown stuff as before, with the only threat to such supply being if the EU should try to impose tariffs on that food to somehow “starve us out”, which won’t work, as what we import - doesn’t actually consist of many staples - does it?
If anything, the EU will end up with a “Food Glut” in a similar way to the world’s recent Oil Glut. They’ll try and keep us in by selling us food at knock-down prices IF you stay in…
There’s no need. We can freely buy cut-priced food from anywhere we damned well please from outside of the EU but including FROM the EU as well, if we wish.
It doesn’t need a “Free Trade Agreement” - we just carry on as before, the EU daring not to “block the trade” already taking place.
Is there a shortage of Oranges of late? NO! - But Spain might end up with an unsold glut - if the EU don’t stop interfering!!

The lock-down is practically already over in all but name. People are busying-up the streets ever more each day that goes by now.
Economic Activity within towns and cities is already returning to normal. It is City-City stuff that seems to be on the back foot still…
How come? - Could it be it is because if you are travelling in a car on a trunk road now - you might get pulled by plod, and asked to produce your “Key Worker Letter” hmm?
No Letter=Fined at the Roadside for taking an unnecessary journey…

Thus, “Stay at Home” gets relaxed to “Stay in your towns”… Then the Schools go back a few weeks later… No need to stop “Social Distancing” - until it has done the damage to BIG business that I reckon it was designed to do from the start: Doesn’t anyone find it a bit odd that some large firms that have been very public in “not furloughing anyone” - and yet where have their former regular traffic and liveried vehicles gone to? - IF that firm hasn’t furloughed it’s workforce?
On the other hand, It is plenty busy enough in towns already huh?

Just some observations…

Call it “2020 Vision” if you like… :stuck_out_tongue:

If we experience a magnetic pole shift in our lifetimes - we’ll temporarily lose our van allen belt shield about the Earth… Why isn’t anyone talking about the sheer danger to people over the entire planet from “Radiation Exposure” when going out into direct sunlight here■■? It might even be the case that the entire Covid-19 situation is nothing more than a “Stay at home DRILL” in case people planet-wide have to be ordered to “get out of the sunlight” at short notice sometime soon…?

The bigger picture - emerging?

(Magnetic North Pole - Observations Article)

I’ve always maintained that natural climate change is FAR more dangerous to humanity than any artificial device like “Gweenhouth Gathes” emissions…

A pole shift - would have us “staying in our homes for a year” only venturing out when it is overcast…

How about “Serious Sunbun in less than 5 minutes” for a start!
How about "Skin Cancers Spiking all around the world, but especially in blue sky places, including India and Antarctica - not just “Deserts” and “At Sea”…

Could the current Covid-19 Lockdown be nothing more than a “Stay at home Drill” then?

…If the public were suddenly told to stay at home or you will perish in the direct sunlight… We’ve “been there, done that” by this point already huh? :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

I’m also a bit alarmed to see articles out there suggesting that the Van Allen Belts were Man Made to start with, which is absolutely not true.
They are a natural outer layer to our wider planetary sphere that have acted as a “radiation shield” that have always been there, NOT as some articles try to suggest “Only since we started putting satellites up”…
Whereas the already-known-of “Ozone Layer” - blocked a huge amount of Ultra Violet radiation lower down, it needs to be said that the Val Allen Belts are deflecting just about ALL radiations, especially the shorter wavelengths…

Even If if these belts only shielded us from 3cm waves (Microwaves) - that effect would be sufficient to allow Astronauts to travel through that part of the Earth orbit - without being cooked in their space capsule. :open_mouth:

Cosmic Rays - have already been experienced by astronauts on “Space Walks” too…

Earth’s magnetic poles move towards “flipping suddenly” from time to time throughout Geological History.
The first to be affected - would be larger Marine wildlife and Avian Wildlife, both having a strong magnetic sense as it were.
I’d expect to see more Beached Whales, Birds flying into buildings, and Turtles turning up in “the wrong part of the Earth’s Seas” as a symptom of this.

The Van Allen belts, fuelled by the current magnetic configuration as they are - fade to almost shut-down, and then re-assign themselves once the poles have settled into their new “reversed” configuration.
The trigger point - is the tipping point.

The evidence at the moment shows the apparent motion of the North Magnetic pole in particular - accerlating now towards Northern Russia across the Arctic Ocean. This was after spending years and years meandering around in the Polar Canada Islands area beforehand…

There’s a lot of mean radiation out there that would bathe the entire planet in it - if most were not deflected or absorbed by the Van Allen Belts.

There’s not much we can to stop this from happening - but we humanity CAN “Prepare for it”.

That’s the difference between trying to push back at proposed “Man-Made” climate change and “Preventing Harm” from NATURAL climate change - which we cannot prevent coming at us!

“Stay in your homes, Do not go out. Save Lives”.

A by-now already familliar narrative - isn’t it? :open_mouth:

Oh btw - If this has already started, then anyone sunbathing - might NOT be “Helping the NHS” in flooding their wards with Malignant Melanomas in the months to come!
“That’s a little bit suspect, I think. Time for a Cartoon!”

(Pay Attention there at the back!)

Don’t bother wearing your masks then folks - just stay out of the direct sunlight!! :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

If we experience a magnetic pole shift in our lifetimes - we’ll temporarily lose our van allen belt shield about the Earth… Why isn’t anyone talking about the sheer danger to people over the entire planet from “Radiation Exposure” when going out into direct sunlight here■■? It might even be the case that the entire Covid-19 situation is nothing more than a “Stay at home DRILL” in case people planet-wide have to be ordered to “get out of the sunlight” at short notice sometime soon…?
Earth's magnetic field is WEAKENING between Africa and South America, and malfunctioning satellites | Daily Mail Online
The bigger picture - emerging?

Magnetic north moved 50 miles last year (let's map it!) - Graphically Speaking
(Magnetic North Pole - Observations Article)

I’ve always maintained that natural climate change is FAR more dangerous to humanity than any artificial device like “Gweenhouth Gathes” emissions…

A pole shift - would have us “staying in our homes for a year” only venturing out when it is overcast…

How about “Serious Sunbun in less than 5 minutes” for a start!
How about "Skin Cancers Spiking all around the world, but especially in blue sky places, including India and Antarctica - not just “Deserts” and “At Sea”…

Could the current Covid-19 Lockdown be nothing more than a “Stay at home Drill” then?

…If the public were suddenly told to stay at home or you will perish in the direct sunlight… We’ve “been there, done that” by this point already huh? :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Make their minds up is it a pole shift or is it that the field is weakening.The latter is obviously a totally different scenario.Eventually leading to what happened to Mars by all accounts.

If it was a drill regarding the loss of the magnetic field’s protection then surely they’d need to tell us that’s what it is.Not dress it up as a killer bio ( weapon ? ) event originating in China.

Surely hiding it with the latter false cover story is far worse than telling us the truth.

As for ‘preparing’ for the loss of the planet’s magnetic shield.It probably fits under the same heading as ‘preparing’ for all out nuclear war/mutually assured destruction.IE the survivors would be the unlucky ones and you’re looking for the fastest and most likely way to get taken out by it not trying to survive it.

I’m suggesting that the Van Allen Belts only reduce in intensity as the poles cross the fulcrum of the tipping point, just as a ball thrown up in the air is momentarily motionless before it falls back down again.

The apparent recent acceleration of the magnetic pole across the artic ocean - might be a warning that such a fulcrum tipping point is about to occur…

The van allen belt would be weakened and depleted, but not gone entirely. Once the pole settles into it’s new reversed mode, the van allen belts would come back again…

BUT that “fulcrum window” if you will - might be months or years where we have to stay out of direct sunlight!

Now if you told the public that “Sunlight can kill you” so soon after the greens have delightedly told us that “Green Action to date - has now allowed the Ozone hole to heal itself, proving the Green New Deal and the Paris Accord are a good idea…”

Tell such people that “No it isn’t, we in real danger from some natural climate change here, not your man-made bull!” and they’ll howl in derision - won’t they?

Sometimes “believable bulls hit” will be bought hook line and sinker by more of the world’s public than telling them the actual truth, which those with little faith might regard as a conspiracy against them even telling them that a power above humanity is putting the lives of this entire PLANET on the line!

THAT is why I suggest it was easier to get the public to buy into a China-caused Conspiracy than, if you will - God Almighty about to pour some serious derision down upon the Earth, in true Biblical Catastrophe Style. :neutral_face: You can’t tell an Atheist that this is “God’s Judgement”, but you CAN tell a Leftie, A Greenie, a Conservative, and everyone else in between that a communist state doesn’t have the good of humanity at heart. :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

I’m suggesting that the Van Allen Belts only reduce in intensity as the poles cross the fulcrum of the tipping point, just as a ball thrown up in the air is momentarily motionless before it falls back down again.

The apparent recent acceleration of the magnetic pole across the artic ocean - might be a warning that such a fulcrum tipping point is about to occur…

The van allen belt would be weakened and depleted, but not gone entirely. Once the pole settles into it’s new reversed mode, the van allen belts would come back again…

BUT that “fulcrum window” if you will - might be months or years where we have to stay out of direct sunlight!

Now if you told the public that “Sunlight can kill you” so soon after the greens have delightedly told us that “Green Action to date - has now allowed the Ozone hole to heal itself, proving the Green New Deal and the Paris Accord are a good idea…”

Tell such people that “No it isn’t, we in real danger from some natural climate change here, not your man-made bull!” and they’ll howl in derision - won’t they?

Sometimes “believable bulls hit” will be bought hook line and sinker by more of the world’s public than telling them the actual truth, which those with little faith might regard as a conspiracy against them even telling them that a power above humanity is putting the lives of this entire PLANET on the line!

THAT is why I suggest it was easier to get the public to buy into a China-caused Conspiracy than, if you will - God Almighty about to pour some serious derision down upon the Earth, in true Biblical Catastrophe Style. :neutral_face: You can’t tell an Atheist that this is “God’s Judgement”, but you CAN tell a Leftie, A Greenie, a Conservative, and everyone else in between that a communist state doesn’t have the good of humanity at heart. :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

The idea that you can tell a Communist that Communism doesn’t have the good of humanity at heart is an oxymoron.

As for the countdown try it in reverse order and replace sun with 14,000 nukes hopefully a lot more if we get back to a proper Cold War footing against the Commy savages…

Or more like all those who refuse the mark of the beast having their organs harvested without anaesthetic and/or being chucked into an incinerator alive by said Communists.
Because our side decided that the Commies are an ok bunch really and it’s so much better to surrender in the form of better red than dead.That worked out well.

I just hoping you’re right in that regard in that it’s just a drill for a stay at home save lives pole shift temporary magnetic field outage sunburn risk.But that isn’t what that countdown seems to be saying.

Oh and the idea that a few roof tiles and ceiling boards will protect anyone from the full blast of Solar and Cosmic radiation is about as believable as a few mm’s of aluminium sheet and space suit meterial protected the Apollo astronauts.

Sometimes it’s just best to leave the God stuff up to God to decide it’s way above our pay grade and he probably gave us nukes for a reason. :bulb:

Biblical Prophecy has it that 1/4 of mankind is up for destruction…
As you say, “Best let God decide” - because it could be argued that

1/4 of Mankind are Muslims
1/4 of Mankind are Chinese
1/4 of Mankind are Westerners

“The first shall be last, and the last shall be first”.

If anyone thinks that declaring war on one of the other groups will make their hand-picked enemy “The 1/4” here - will probably end up becoming that quarter themselves then. :unamused:

I wonder what form the “Blaspheme against God in their own darkest hour” will take?

Perhaps the “Hubris” where we’ll fight tooth and nail as “wider humanity” to solve a non-existant man-made climate change problem
…whilst doing absolutely NOTHING to prevent, deflect, or even survive any random natural catastrophe that might fall upon small groups of us (like the Floods of the last few years in this country for instance…) or something that affects the entire planet full of people “Asteroid Impact” right the way through to “Solar Flares”.

The middle of the “Seven Bowls” depicted above has “The Sun scorching Mankind”, which at least has a connection with my “Fulcrum” theory of reversing magnetic polarity for the entire planet that temporarily shuts down our main van allen belt shield against Solar and Cosmic radiation…
What of the Iphone users who break out in sores?
“Marked in their wrist of their forehead”. Where do most people have their phone in contact with their bodies?

Is this radiation from the phone OR have they merely been standing out in the direct sunlight for too long, unable to get a decent signal indoors or anywhere in the shade, now that solar radiation is making communications sound like MW radio at best… :open_mouth:

Biblical Prophecy has it that 1/4 of mankind is up for destruction…
As you say, “Best let God decide” - because it could be argued that

1/4 of Mankind are Muslims
1/4 of Mankind are Chinese
1/4 of Mankind are Westerners

“The first shall be last, and the last shall be first”.

If anyone thinks that declaring war on one of the other groups will make their hand-picked enemy “The 1/4” here - will probably end up becoming that quarter themselves then. :unamused:

I wonder what form the “Blaspheme against God in their own darkest hour” will take?

My take on the lesson contained in Revelations is that we’ll all be made aware of the simple choice between good v evil and asked to pick our side.That has more to do with the final judgement in the next world nothing to do with surviving the resulting wreckage that’s left of this one.

As for declaring war I for one think/hope that I’ve always only seen the issue of the evils of Socialism etc as one of defence ( deliver/lead us from it ) not one of aggression.

What fogs it all - is one’s definition of “Good and Evil” though:

Where does one draw the line between the two?

The Bible speaks of an East/West divide - but which side is supposed to represent “Good” here, when there’s a BIG Christian revival going on right now in the Orthodox Church, whilst “Evangelism” in the West is seen as some kind of “off-the-rails” Christianity, if it is even that

Then you’ve got the Moral Hazard of Roman Catholism, where this expected “Vow of Chastity” expected of Priests and Nuns - ends up attracting undesirable people that are not attracted to “normal ■■■■■■ relations” like the rest of us, let’s say…

What I’m getting at here, is that this big battle between Good & Evil - might have the WEST cast as the Evil side, about to be destroyed!!!

Where are most of the world’s “Godless” people situated? North AND West, I’d argue.
The SOUTH and West is predominantly Catholic,
The EAST meanwhile - is “no longer State-backed Atheism” which “Social Upheaval” likely to have the biggest effect IN China rather than "everywhere else because of China, like we seem to think about at the moment…

Imagine if you were a local born in Egypt the day before the 10th Plague was on the way…
You notice your neighbors cutting animal’s throats, and you jog on, barely able to tolerate this upstart religion these migrant people you have as neighbors…
Then you notice them painting the blood they are spilling on their door lintels…

You can
(1) Ignore it, and jog on
(2) Ask them WTF they are up to?
(3) Go home and tell your family, who might already know that “They are performing a ritual to ward off the killing of the angel of Death that we are all warned will pass over tonight”

Having painted your own lintel just in case, you then decide to sleep upstairs that night in your house, because you don’t like the stench of blood that is pervading the downstairs part of the house, thanks to this bit of “DIY”. Other houses nearby - have not bothered. Life goes on as normal, Dad and/or Eldest Child would sleep downstairs, Mum and younger kids upstairs.

Come the morning, you come downstairs to find everyone on the ground floor - dead.
Did you survive because you believed in God - or because you watched and heeded what others who “Believe in God” were doing■■?
…Or did you just get lucky, and fluke it?

Living in times where most people probably just “don’t know what to believe”, I think that you’d have to be a damned fool not to pay some attention to what is going on around you.

For instance, I find it hard to believe that this Covid-19 thing is the huge 10-figure killer global pandemic we’re told it is - when it clearly isn’t even an EPIDEMIC as of yet.
In an already globalized world where anyone can jump on a plane to the other side of the planet and still can - we should be more worried about Epidemics and Endemics - shouldn’t we?

Worry about “Rabies” rather than “Catching a disease from your pets”.
Worry about “Measles, Meningitus, Pestis, MRSA, Tetanus, Typhoid, Cholera, and Necrosis” rather than anything “Viral” I’d also suggest.
You’re more likely to die from scratching yourself on a farm post than catching your death from the next person that walks by you “un-masked”…

People no longer understand “Religion”, nor “Calculated Risk-taking” nor “Concept of Safe”.

This is what I think the Bible refers to when it says “The last shall be first, and first shall be last”. (Matt: 20:16)
and of course “They shall seek death, but find that death flees from them” (Rev: 9:6)

Those who think they’ve got all the risks wrapped up, and feel SAFE - shall find anything but.
Those who stick their proberbial necks out though? - No matter how much risk of life and limb they take - they strangely prosper.
The parable at Luke 12:16 also springs to mind with regard to people who think they’re “Safe” having heavily provided for themselves (but not others struggling around them), in true “I’m alright Jack” style. :smiling_imp:

What fogs it all - is one’s definition of “Good and Evil” though:

Where does one draw the line between the two?

The Bible speaks of an East/West divide - but which side is supposed to represent “Good” here, when there’s a BIG Christian revival going on right now in the Orthodox Church, whilst “Evangelism” in the West is seen as some kind of “off-the-rails” Christianity, if it is even that
Then you’ve got the Moral Hazard of Roman Catholism, where this expected “Vow of Chastity” expected of Priests and Nuns - ends up attracting undesirable people that are not attracted to “normal ■■■■■■ relations” like the rest of us, let’s say…

What I’m getting at here, is that this big battle between Good & Evil - might have the WEST cast as the Evil side, about to be destroyed!!!

Where are most of the world’s “Godless” people situated? North AND West, I’d argue.
The SOUTH and West is predominantly Catholic,
The EAST meanwhile - is “no longer State-backed Atheism” which “Social Upheaval” likely to have the biggest effect IN China rather than "everywhere else because of China, like we seem to think about at the moment…

Imagine if you were a local born in Egypt the day before the 10th Plague was on the way…
You notice your neighbors cutting animal’s throats, and you jog on, barely able to tolerate this upstart religion these migrant people you have as neighbors…
Then you notice them painting the blood they are spilling on their door lintels…

You can
(1) Ignore it, and jog on
(2) Ask them WTF they are up to?
(3) Go home and tell your family, who might already know that “They are performing a ritual to ward off the killing of the angel of Death that we are all warned will pass over tonight”

Having painted your own lintel just in case, you then decide to sleep upstairs that night in your house, because you don’t like the stench of blood that is pervading the downstairs part of the house, thanks to this bit of “DIY”. Other houses nearby - have not bothered. Life goes on as normal, Dad and/or Eldest Child would sleep downstairs, Mum and younger kids upstairs.

Come the morning, you come downstairs to find everyone on the ground floor - dead.
Did you survive because you believed in God - or because you watched and heeded what others who “Believe in God” were doing■■?
…Or did you just get lucky, and fluke it?

Living in times where most people probably just “don’t know what to believe”, I think that you’d have to be a damned fool not to pay some attention to what is going on around you.

For instance, I find it hard to believe that this Covid-19 thing is the huge 10-figure killer global pandemic we’re told it is - when it clearly isn’t even an EPIDEMIC as of yet.
In an already globalized world where anyone can jump on a plane to the other side of the planet and still can - we should be more worried about Epidemics and Endemics - shouldn’t we?

Worry about “Rabies” rather than “Catching a disease from your pets”.
Worry about “Measles, Meningitus, Pestis, MRSA, Tetanus, Typhoid, Cholera, and Necrosis” rather than anything “Viral” I’d also suggest.
You’re more likely to die from scratching yourself on a farm post than catching your death from the next person that walks by you “un-masked”…

People no longer understand “Religion”, nor “Calculated Risk-taking” nor “Concept of Safe”.

This is what I think the Bible refers to when it says “The last shall be first, and first shall be last”. (Matt: 20:16)
and of course “They shall seek death, but find that death flees from them” (Rev: 9:6)

Those who think they’ve got all the risks wrapped up, and feel SAFE - shall find anything but.
Those who stick their proberbial necks out though? - No matter how much risk of life and limb they take - they strangely prosper.
The parable at Luke 12:16 also springs to mind with regard to people who think they’re “Safe” having heavily provided for themselves (but not others struggling around them), in true “I’m alright Jack” style. :smiling_imp:

If you think even remotely that Socialism and the CCP are the good guys on the planet ?, or were evil but are now good ?, that’s your choice.

As for your interpretation of Luke that sounds like the politics of envy which is what has led you astray like all the other Bolsheviks through history.You know like murdering the Tsar’s family in the name of Socialism and equality.That ideology’s rampage then just went on from there whether Stalin, Hitler or Mao.

There you have it.The Internationale or this anthem of the free world the choice is yours.

Just think she probably made a lot more cash from that record than more than one Miners’ yearly wages.
Does that make living in the Soviet Union or ■■■■■■■■■ China the answer, or justify the savage ideological ‘excesses’ in the name of Politics of Envy Socialism ?.

The Bible, to a believer - is anything BUT “The politics of Envy”. To an atheist though? - There’s always going to be a way to deliberately mis-interpret it’s words.

The last page even has a passage concerning that issue though. That is, “Those who would add or take away from the words of this book” - i.e. those who choose to politicize it into a vague pit of contradictions and unproven truth as Atheists like to do to the written holy words at any time…

Dunno what you’re on about with CCP etc though?

I’m no Socialist, never have been - at least by this country’s definition, and the global view of socialists around the world, with all it’s short-comings that killed near on a billion people already. :frowning:

I suppose you might be thinking of me as some other kind of socialist -t he one that is neither robbing of their fellow man, nor of the “Champagne” variety, where they bang on and on about taking someone else’s wealth never theirs to hand over to their supporters, like in the picture above…
No more
“Put in what you can, take out what you need”
and replace it with:
“Pay your full taxes, claim the full benefits”.

People who claim benefits before paying enough in - are welcome that way providing those paying the taxes don’t get out of paying some or all of them using “tax offsets”.

My being against “Tax Offsets” is what sets me apart from “Champagne Socialists” like Keir Starmer, Jeremy Corbyn, and any other millionaire so called “Left” politician alike.
To be a “socialist” these days - is to support one of more of them. FFS I didn’t even vote for Blair who was WAY to the right of all three!
I’m not a “Communist” neither, because I don’t believe in confiscating people’s property. Nazis also did this, so I’m no ■■■■ neither.
Perhaps the Denmark brand of “Socialism” is nearer to my position, but I don’t even know if everyone pays those higher taxes, or if the wealthy get to dodge the lot like they do in this country?
I’m only Left in Finance, in that I beleive in getting what I’ve paid into, and feel entitled to as a result of my input to date.
A taxpayer who believes in getting what he paid for, if you will. I’ll moan if I lose my pension when I retire, moan if I don’t get furlough pay when I get stood down, moan if I don’t get benefits when I lose my job, moan if I get attacked and robbed if I lost anything - ALL money that was mine to start with on the grounds of my already having paid in for it.

Green? - Nope, but I am against wanton WASTE.
Liberal? - Yes, until they lost me over Brexit…
Tory? - I’ve voted for them as the “best of the worst” rabble happening to be on the ballot paper, and that’s it.

Joe Biden now appears to be overtaking Trump to be the new favorite to win the November Election, preumably because the popular thinking is that these Minnesota Riots are “bad for Trump” rather than "Bad for the Democrats that actually run Minnesota, and are supposedly in charge of “Law and Order” there, where it is considered a “Safe State Hold” for the Democrats…

I would remind viewers that in Summer 2016 before Trump even became President on Obama’s watch in another Democrat-held state of Wisconsin - there was a similar “Cop kills Black Guy” Riot in Milwaukee

Wisconsin then flipped Republican quite “Unexpectedly” in November, having been a Democrat stronghold since the Reagan Era over 30 years ago.
Will history repeat itself? Does “poor governing” in States the Democrats are supposed to be in charge of right now - push people to quit voting Democrat, for making everything about “Anti Trump” rather than just “keeping order” and “getting good things done for the public”■■
We’ll see…

Here’s the betting odds on the Presidential Election.

Interestingly, Punters including Left Wing punters who cannot stand Trump - are calling this “The Lay of the Year”.

That is, you bet on Biden to lose which he’ll probably find a way of doing, even if the next President isn’t Trump neither!

This is the reason why Bookmakers come out ahead more often than punters… Because with “Traditional” bets struck in a bookmaker’s shop - you cannot bet on things to “lose”, only bet on an alternative candidate to WIN, which means you have to find that would-be winner amongst a sea of possible candidates…

I reckon we might be seeing an election coming up that is Michelle as Democrat Nominee, replacing now-senile Biden at the very last minute for “Successful Candidate” - who then promptly takes on Hitlary as her Vice Presidential running mate…

I see Michelle at 80’s on this page at the moment… Worth a fiver if I raid my piggy bank I reckon…

(I don’t have a Betfair account, so I cannot actually bet on things to lose like their members can…)

It’s all about “Who replaces Biden if he steps away from the nomination at the last minute…”

He’s long odds-on to win that nomination - but I just cannot see him being allowed to run against Trump what with all his absent-minded gaffes and all…

…not to mention the almost Savile-like on-screen creepiness…

With all that stuff already out there in the public domain a long time since, I’m gobsmacked that a betting market can have this guy rather than a more squeaky-clean candidate DARE run against Trump come November…

I’ll have to agree with the Left of the Betting Community then… Even these Democrat supporters/Trump Bashers don’t think Biden is even going to be running against Trump - let alone beat him.

This whole crisis unravels - because the Government has failed to purge the deepest reaches of the prior irremovable public sector…

Or was it planned like this all along? :question:

…Put everyone you want to purge out to pasture in some form or other, Furloughed, Retired, Emigrated, Manipulated to Strike…

It had better be such a feint though, as the Tories are going to pay more than just at the polls if this all goes wrong much further at this point…

Starvation and mass death - tends to motivate the public into extreme actions, not like the “Insulator” crowd who only seek to harm people from a distance…

We’re heading for a reverse Autumn of Discontent, which the public sector left in particular - seem to think they can use as a tool to get their revenge for Thatcher 1979 and no beloved Labour for an entire generation…

Prepare for the rise of the megacorporations, above all laws, not loyal to any one nation, able to pick and choose who works for them - and who gets destroyed by them.

100 years ago - Reparations, Default, Hyper-inflation, Crash, Depression, Dust Bowl and War followed.

There’s no way THAT particular format of cycle can ever happen again this time around.

If the Chinese start to starve - they WILL be motivated to invade the rest of the planet with the 200million or so armed forces they could put into the field tomorrow…

If WE start to starve though? Are Lefties and Right people going to continue arguing the toss about “How they could have done it better”, or are we going to come together in the name of sheer Survival vs the Yellow Peril threat?

If WE start to starve though? Are Lefties and Right people going to continue arguing the toss about “How they could have done it better”, or are we going to come together in the name of sheer Survival vs the Yellow Peril threat?

It’s already clear that both the western military, governments and public have come to the conclusion that they prefer the option of appeasement and surrender in that regard.It’s all there in UN agenda 30, and the installation of Biden and everything that Boris and Macron are saying and doing which is all about wealth ( and resources ) transfer from west to east.
Why would ‘lefties’ not be on the side of the ‘enemy’ in that when they see it as ‘liberation’ by ‘their’ team.