Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

Now that Javid has been cast aside, I will come up with the fresh postulation that:

Javid’s personal team cannot be trusted to take part in a UK financial operation to cut our own financial sector loose from the Euro - because it will trash the Euro in the process!

Javid - used to work for “Dead Bank Walking” - Deutsche Bank.

There’s a clear conflict of interest with him continuing as Chancellor then, with his loose-lipped department aside…

■■■■■■■■ - has already got rid of Sonia Khan of course, using a “Lord Varys” type of ruse to tease the Treasury Mole out… One of them at least.

Demanding that Javid sack his entire support staff - might have backfired, had Javid decided to comply of course.

There’s no point getting rid of any “moles” - if you don’t get rid of the Molemaster with the rest of them - is there?

Let the “War of Banks” - commence!

In the Blue Corner, we have Robin, and in the Red corner - it is River.
That Robin can masquerade in Red - puts our team streets ahead of those who cannot even cry themselves a “River” - let alone shore up their own side of the “Bank” set to be bursting all about us these days…

On the subject of Huawei (Sounds like “True Pain” in German) - I can see an angle there where this soon-to-be build infrastructure - might see the “Chinese Spyware” access - shut off after completion (since we know the built-in backdoor is going to be there in advance…) but what a wheeze for our government to have a snoopable network about the country that even the CIA don’t have access to!
What’s Not-to-like in Britain going PROPER independent, i.e. loose of America as well?

Then there’s HS2… I think this project is a gross waste of Money like a lot of people…

…But… What if you knew that such a huge wave of fresh cash was about to hit the domestic market - we need a soak-up for all that cash OR see it converted into inflationary pressures, especially in those areas outside the domestic sector…

Better that we spend the money internally, employing a UK based workforce to build all that infrastructure - than scrap it entirely, only to see local “northern powerhouse” chancers - blow the lot on supposedly local infrastructure projects instead, that see a load of cash being siphoned off by those types of in-bed-with-politicians business leaders, with the “downside” being that “so much cash disappeared, that local Tory MPs are unable to hold onto their newly-won seats AFTER all”…

Rather than be suspicious about Boris’ latest run of seemingly head-scratching moves then…
I’d rather think of Boris as the biggest conspiracy actor of ALL then - in true Machiavellian style!

Even Isambard Kingdom Brunel - had to lie to a whole boatload of financiers, politicians, and fellow industrialists - to get his stuff built…

We’re anything but anywhere out of the EU and going nowhere in that regard.
So first Bojo replaces the few Leavers in his cabinet with yet more Remainers.

Then he throws his remainer Chancellor under the bus because he’s upsetting Bojo’s plans for a waste of space EU instigated rail line costing billions to get a few elites around the country a few minutes quicker.Oh wait what happened to all that extra cash for the NHS.

In addition to expanding London closer to the South Coast than it is already at the expense of the Green Belt areas.

The Tories are a bunch of LibDem in all but name women’s genitalia.The quicker Bojo falls in that ditch while he’s digging the foundations of any of his development sprees, in concreting over what remains of the country, the better.

Then hopefully we can think about replacing these Tory zb’s with a proper Nationalist English Democrats/For Britain alliance.Who hopefully don’t want to concrete over our green and pleasant land for more foreign interests, both Chinese and EU and to meet Bozo’s ongoing open door immigration targets in that regard.

When Blair got elected in 1997, there was no mention of turning Britain into a free-for-all destination for NON EU immigrants, nor turning our country into a surveillance society…
When Cleggy & Cameron took power in 2010 - there was no mention of going for AV instead of PR nor letting Student fees rise, nor “Austerity”… Osbourne borrowed more in five years than Brown did in double that time, after all… If anything, Cleggy was expected to go into coalition with Brown in any 2010 prospective hung parliament - but alas, the Libdems net lost just enough seats that such a two-way coalition was not possible…

Fast forward to 2015, where Cameron clearly disappointed with winning an outright majority on the “holding an in/out referendum ticket” - threw himself under the bus, totally unnecessarily, rather than actually clean up his own mess…

In 2017 May made the mistake of “not explaining how she was going to complete Brexit”…
In 2019 - Corbyn made exactly the same mistake. How could he slag off a “Damaging Tory Brexit” - when clearly having NO plans of his own to complete the “Labour Way” - despite him supposedly being in favour of a hard enough Brexit so a prospective Hard Left Labour government could re-nationalize all the foreign-owned utilities by that age-old favourite of “Confiscation”… (I would have voted for Corbyn had he declared his intent honestly there - but no…) :blush:

I might also had voted for Corbyn had he explained how he was going to implement Universal Benefits when the Tories couldn’t even implement Universal Credit… Not for lack of funds, if one is borrowing - neither of them!

We are where we are, with Boris now going to spend five years pretending to do stuff, and hopefully surprising us one day by “not doing the stuff he promised that we didn’t want anyways” but rather implement a load of hidden agenda but Pro Britain stuff, such as the very hardest of Brexits that brings the entire EU establishment DOWN…

There’s something big and rather dangerous looking coming over the Horizon - and it ain’t “Dennis the Menace”!

Here’s hoping…

There’s something big and rather dangerous looking coming over the Horizon - and it ain’t “Dennis the Menace”!

Here’s hoping…

Yes its a Chinese Communist EU 4th Reich hybrid alliance and its Tory quislings that’s going to finish the job of wrecking this country.Which Heath among others started.Be careful what you wish for.

The only part of “Chinese” I don’t want to see implemented is “Social Scoring”.

Everything else - would seem to represent a better law & orderr most heavily inflicted upon those who attempt to ■■■■ on the national teet, which no surprises - I can live with. :smiling_imp:

Who’s afraid of having their phone hacked? - Most people have privacy issues, but at the end of the day - it ain’t really that important to the vast majority of us…

Social Scoring though?

Take the recently departed Ms Flack for instance…

It wasn’t “Internet Trolls” or “The Met’s malicious prosecution” that brought her down imo…

It was her Employers using that already-implemented form of social scoring that is “Behaviour liable to bring the company into disrepute”.

Picture this:

ANY of us has a well-paid and easy job that suddenly gets taken away, because ultimately you work for the gig economy these days…

There one is, all washed up, - unemployed and now unemployable, with the credit card debts quickly mounting up to the interest alone being more than what one used to take home in a month, and defintely more than what one would take home in a month even on maxed-out benefits…

So you top yourself, nowhere to turn.

Any suggestion that people should be “left alone by the law” to prevent this kind of thing “happening again” - is absolutely daft of course, as is the notion that “Internet trolling” was somehow to blame for the late Ms Flack’s predicament.

Her former Employers - are the ones to point the finger at - because of this thing I call “Contractual Abuse” which I have mentioned on other threads as being part of the establishment’s locktite grip upon us all in workland. :frowning:

Gold - upto $1600 at the same time as a surging dollar, that gold is priced in.

TRUMP is uniting the English-speaking world against the rest who want to continue fighting “The West” rather than getting on-board with the programme.

Australiasia and India - will be making the cut, perhaps Brazil too…

Saudi Arabia, I suspect are managing the decline of oil demand right now, and it won’t be too long before we’re selling off nothing to china other than our rubbish, which we won’t want to be buying as recycled manufactured goods, because they are about to lose their industrial mojo, I reckon…

Wouldn’t it be funny if the “resisted” Tesla car plant supposedly about to be built outside Berlin, but now blocked by a climate protest injunction - got moved to the UK instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wouldn’t it be funny if the “resisted” Tesla car plant supposedly about to be built outside Berlin, but now blocked by a climate protest injunction - got moved to the UK instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, the UK, that well known bastion of Electric vehicle buyers. I can see a large, and growing demand, for right hand drive Teslas…

The last economic crash involved housing, and personal (unsecured) debt. The next one, will include all that, and all those cars that have been bought on lease/hire/personal credit whatever, which will be repossessed, and added to the already flooded market of ex-lease/hire/personal credit whatever cars, that are stocking "car warehouses/ex-airfield sites… the new car industry is going to go ■■■■ up in the next 5 years, leaving just a few producers trying to flog new cars. The system of buying new cars on credit is going to fall apart as soon as the economy hits the buffers. Any artificial propping up of the economy (which has been the case for many years now) will eventually crash. History always repeats itself.

Large scale sales of (all) electric cars are not going to happen anytime soon, for two reasons. The cost of a new car, and the lack of re-charging infrastructure.

The pound is still stable at these levels following January 31st 2020. It neither collapsed as the fearmongers said it would, but neither has it recovered to pre-referendum highs.
This means that any overseas outfit wishing to start up over here now that Brexit is supposedly done (I don’t believe it is, actually) - will know that any acquisitions come cheap ongoingly - because the pound is still $1.30 AND they know that these goods priced in Sterling because they are being made here - are likely to stay competitively priced for some time to come.

That is a BIG reason to move ANY manufacturing plant to the UK, regardless of we starving Brits wanting to buy said goods - or not!

We even had a (imo) totally bogus Inflation figure released this morning…

The pound, which usually makes a large move up or down on such a relatively big shift in RPI/CPI - did NOTHING.

This tells me that the figure was either
(1) Made up out of thin air
(2) Widely anticipated, and totally priced-into Sterling already,

or very likely both of the above…

The LAST thing UK strategists want right now - is a sudden rush of foreign money coming here pushing the pound up, and spoiling our imminent party before it has even got started.

So you release a data figure that says “Don’t come here with your cash. We’re a bunch of losers about to lose - so stay away”.

That’s pretty cool, if you think about it… Are we all not sick and tired of seeing both sides of government - selling off our stuff at a loss to foreigners - only for those firms sold off to rip us off royally, with the profits all privatized AND sent abroad after?

The only Tory Privatization that I thought was a good idea - was Eurotunnel, as it would dump a huge loss in the continent’s pocket, leaving us better off for it.
Blair dumping clause 4 - still didn’t get me to vote for him though.

the nodding donkey:

Wouldn’t it be funny if the “resisted” Tesla car plant supposedly about to be built outside Berlin, but now blocked by a climate protest injunction - got moved to the UK instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, the UK, that well known bastion of Electric vehicle buyers. I can see a large, and growing demand, for right hand drive Teslas…

The last economic crash involved housing, and personal (unsecured) debt. The next one, will include all that, and all those cars that have been bought on lease/hire/personal credit whatever, which will be repossessed, and added to the already flooded market of ex-lease/hire/personal credit whatever cars, that are stocking "car warehouses/ex-airfield sites… the new car industry is going to go ■■■■ up in the next 5 years, leaving just a few producers trying to flog new cars. The system of buying new cars on credit is going to fall apart as soon as the economy hits the buffers. Any artificial propping up of the economy (which has been the case for many years now) will eventually crash. History always repeats itself.

Large scale sales of (all) electric cars are not going to happen anytime soon, for two reasons. The cost of a new car, and the lack of re-charging infrastructure.

I’m amazed that Labour are not advocating to people to default all their unsecured debts - as a way out of poverty…

Earning £2000 per month, with credit card interest along of over £500 per month? That’s more than most people’s mortgage payments!
If people used their credit cards to ONLY buy “here today, gone tomorrow” goods though, such as food and paying utililty bills - then what happens if you then default that debt?
Are the credit card company going to repossess your last electric bill or make you puke up yesterday’s food you purchased, and have already eaten?
When people are stupid about unsecured debt - they borrow to purchase an asset that can then be taken away. The whole POINT of “unsecured” debt though is that you consent to a higher interest payment in exchange for being able to walk away from it in the event of falling upon hard times…

…And yet the banking system totally takes the ■■■■ by pushing this MYTH that “Unsecured debts are as enforceable as secured ones”.
No they are NOT - and it is about time LABOUR exposed this means by which Banks control the masses - for what it is.
Alas no. Labour are even more owned by the Banks than the Tories are. So much for the “bought-and-paid-for” mainstream!

Hopefully Boris Johnson will prove to be the “Britain Trump” he needs to be - to break free of this deep state grip upon the entire western world’s citizens, where even everyday atheist people on the street - are convinced that it is somehow “immoral” to not pay one’s debts!! Pffft!!

Just think of a future Budget that passes a law making “interest above 10% illegal” rather than “lowering taxes” hmm?

Winseer, your problem is that you bury some of the sensible, or correct, things you say, in so much filler and waffle, that people give up listing to you.

Unsecured debt IS enforceable. Not by taking good that are secured against it, but by court orders, and court enforcement bailiffs. I dont mean debt collectors calling themselves bailiffs, I mean proper court bailiffs. It is a longer process, it adds lots of costs (court and enforcement), but when a court judgement is made against you, it is very much enforceable.

Your suggestion to run up ‘unenforceable’ debt, and walk away from it, is ridiculous. It is similar to walking into a shop, filling a trolley with goods, and walking out without paying.

As Oil and Stock Markets enter a full-blown bear market - we see Gold struggling to go any higher, interest rates collapse, upholding the Left argument for “unlimited borrowing” in future, and most puzzling - the EURO currency rocketing at the very moment everyone should be getting out of it, about to fail once the UK ceases paying the EU that we’re told will happen by the end of this year…

So… The Anti-UK, Pro EU lobby - seem to have common cause in bringing our world economy down with Extinction Rebellion as their allies?

…Or has someone else got a better explanation for my own conspiracy theories here? :frowning:

It is this rally in the Euro - that is sticking in my craw at this time.

How can THAT be some kind of “flight to quality” FFS?

There are already outbreaks of the Corona virus about the mainland continent - so it aint “fear of pandemic” which we’ve been told to date is behind the recent sharp falls on world markets…

Any disruption to the CHINESE economy meanwhile - should help no end America’s current Anti-China policies, along with assist the UK in grabbing a rather large new slice of world exported manufactured goods hmm?

The drop in Oil - actually puts any move to Greener energy - further back, if you think about it… Why scrap petrol and diesel vehicles at all - if it becomes as cheap as chips to fill them up at already-existing forecourts in the medium term future?

My suggestion is that the IMF coupled with the ECB and characters like Soros and the monied far Left around the world - are actively rigging the world markets in a fashion that hurts America, Hurts the UK, and causes no end of grief for the world’s new Leaders of the Right - all at once.


So Big Pharma and the Euro are making money hand over fist regarding this Coronavirus thing, that I’m suspecting is a huge hoax designed to bring down the world’s governments currently opposed to the mantras of Man-Made Climate Change…

An unholy alliance of ECB, Remainers, Deep State, IMF, Trump Haters, Boris Haters, and of course Extiction Rebellion who suddenly are able to look like their 2-out-of-ten economic plans for the world are now better than the 8 out of ten now 1 out of ten thanks to a convenient reason to crush economic activity to near zero levels - and for WHAT?

…Someone unnamed in a country far away that you’ve never visisted - got sick.

People die from natural causes every damned day - no one worries a jot about it.

What if you re-labelled natural causes death for poltiical reasons though?

On a typical cruise for instance, the average age and poor general health of passengers - might see a handful of deaths from things like “Common Cold” or a multitude of other “flu-like” illnesses…

NOW re-present those deaths as being from a disease that one doesn’t have to prove, and if one questions in any way as to authenticity - one is automatically a Russian Troll, or Conpiracy theorist all over again.

If there were REALLY a pandemic on our hands here - there would be a total 100% worldwide airport lock-down…
…There would be current incumbent world leaders being handed emergency powers to act - via their usual opposition parties…
…There would be rather larger pockets of people being infected than just “one person, and then it is miraculously contained” - despite people being allowed home on public flights willy-nilly like we’ve been seeing…

Who gains?

Extinction Rebellion - hardly cancelled all forthcoming gatherings hmm? Bristol - goes ahead as planned. Local Leftie councillors - even permit this to happen, rather than tell people to stay away on some health scare…

The Opposition Left, Greens, - but NOT the animal rights lot… They are going to be rather unhappy should there now be a livestock cull rather than these animals being released into the wild - eh?
If it gets out of control - there will be a rather large amount of public discontent if we have our pets killed off as well eh?

Bearing in mind that “Flu” doesn’t have a cure anyway - one wonders why sales of pharmacuticals are going throught the roof… But there again, were our incumbent governments - on the verge of cracking down on these outfits? Shame THAT looks unlikely to be followed-through on now eh?

If the world economy is totally trashed meanwhile - suddenly the 2-out-of-ten “Green New Deal” - looks like a step UP rather than a massive step down…

There it is.

…Looks like we have QEIV in progress… Bonds - having already reached a new all-time high these past few days - have just rallied FIVE handles (That’s a lot to those of you that don’t understand the bond market…)

The implication is that the Bank of England will be FORCED to cut interest rates - sooner rather than later. There is NO chance that “Rates will rise” for the forseeable future now.

A positive Non-Farm Payrolls figure (New jobs created in the American Economy) of +273,000 as opposed to the expected +175,000
Such a release - would normally rally the markets…

Alas, there is a large overhang of “sell” orders, and the furthest the rally got - was from -95 to -74 on the S&P overnight futures market… Before sinking back down to -95 for a while, and now as I type this - down to -107, suggesting that the dow will open at 14:30 (10 minutes from now) at -1000 at the off!!

Let’s see if there is any follow-through…

We already know that Trump could cure cancer - and he wouldn’t get ■■■■■■ on if he were on fire by the “high frequency traders” - whom comprise a rather disproportionate amount of LEFT wingers as it happens…

I know - as on the subject of Finance - it is the only Left-leaning part of me… :blush: :stuck_out_tongue:

If Trump can harness the Federal Reserve to prop the market up, rather than cutting interest rates (evidence of this happening - as I speak) - then there is still time to burn the likes of George Soros, heavily short the markets as he is…

He ain’t doing too well being short the bond market though… Up on the biggest one day rise today - I’ve ever seen!

I’ll continue watching…
Dashboard link here

It is a shame that all too many Hauliers - see “Bottom Line Payroll” as being a problem, rather than “Fuel Cost” in terms of “Company Vision for the Future”.

One would think that a fuel price likely down by a third in the near future might have an upward influence on wages - but no.
Give a company an inch, and it’ll take a mile.

No one gave a ■■■■ when people damaged kit, wasted fuel, or lost contracts - even when prices were at the top of the market.
But unions pushing for shorter hours, higher wages, and … shock-horror - put in for more docket than the next bod doing the same job?
We can’t have THAT off our bottom line - can we?

It isn’t important if there is a “driver shortage” or not.
What’s important is that firms clearly do not believe there is.
We might get treated a whole lot better by firms, contract-wise - if we did see our haulier firms “running scared” a bit now that we’ve got all time low levels of new drivers coming into the transport industry, and all “New Jobs” seem to involve the C2 licence rather than C+E now.

I remember when P&H went ■■■■ up a while back - Brakes took the whole lot of the Snodland/Aylesford crew on, absorbing the lot, and STILL demanding “We need more drivers on our early doors multidrop runs”…

Is the actual C+E job at risk now?

What would it take for firms to stop this “cutting back” on running articulated vehicles in favour of “Factory Farm” style C2 Multidrop work?

…Hardly an “Equal Opportunity” thing neither - I don’t think there will be many women interested in such work… Maybe 5% takeup rather than the 50% any such self-proclaimed “Equal Opportunity” implies to be huh?

Why are we worried about a Recession now? - This is way beyond that already.

I read a book five years ago that spoke of a deflationary crash brought about by attempts to unify the world without waging wars to do it…

Among the predictions were that interest rates would go negative, ALL “investments” would be down - bar one:

The USD.

Looks like it is coming to pass - in spades!

Everything is cheaper in a deflationary spiral - but people cannot afford to buy stuff, because they are now totally skint, either having their savings stripped by negative interest rates, lost it on the stock markets, or spent it trying to keep up with energy retailers totally taking the ■■■■ all the time, as they still are.

Petrol - down from $2 per gallon at the start of the year to 66cents right now… A two-thirds drop in price… What have we seen at the pumps?

114.9 at best, with lots of forecourts still charging 120p+ and MSAs still charging nearly 150…
Total jokers - and they should be taken out and flogged!

Diesel meanwhile - has dropped through $1 per gallon for the first time in many years as of today.

The “Safe Haven” investments of Gold and Bonds - ain’t no good any more, because people are now flogging this stuff - to cover their losses elsewhere in investment land…

The only thin going off the charts - the USD - is reaching the kind of levels not seen since Nixon took the greenback off the gold standard back in the 70’s…


Banks will start to fail like in 2008 - but this time - without a taxpayer bailout, bearing in mind that we’re already skint, and there are just too many people not paying taxes to make such a bailout work for a “once bitten, twice shy” time.

Who are the main groups of people set to lose out from all this?

(1) People who thought they never took any financial risks in their lives.
(a) Gold plated pensions - defaulted now.
(b) Safe investments and savings accounts - Defaulted, with the government unable to bail people out, except with printed money
(c) Plum well-paid jobs? - Who’s job is safe when demand has thus collapsed due to this “shutdown”?

(2) People who’s job is essentially a “Camp Follower”…
(a) Living off the custom of people considerabwy wicher than yeu - only to find those wealthy types, either now busted, or hiding their continued prosperity away, for fear of “resentment reprisal” attacks…
(b) The financially uneducated unable to make money in a recession.
(c) Producers of A non-essential good, and now obsolete “service”. Travel Agents, Tattoists, all other “Artists” and “Musicians”…

(3) People in the “Entertainments” sector.
(a) If you cannot go out - you don’t need pubs, clubs, and other social venues any longer.
(b) If you’ve got no money, you won’t want to commute to other towns paying through the nose for joke fuel prices
(c) If you’ve got no money, you won’t want to go out at all.
(d) Entertainers - who can entertain people “at home” - will continue to function. Netflix actors & Pornhub exhibitionists - are on the up, with Televized Sports - very much on the down.

Who prospers?

People who can still DO stuff rather than rely on others to do it for them.
Services such as Labouring, Driving, Building, Repairing.
“Make do and Mend” - is back in vogue - but do people actually KNOW how to do this?

Who’s left that had long lectures from grandparents “Wot I did in the war when I woz doing my bit”?

The Euro and USD are now so expensive - that only their own people will be well-provided for out of it.
That’s America able to weather this storm under Trump rule - but Euroland■■?

A well-fed discontent population who are now “long term unemployed” with an axe to grind…?
The ultimate “Devil making work for idle hands” there…

Mark my words - there will be trouble on the mainland that dwarfs anything the Nazis did in 1940…

Meanwhile, back in Blighty - We have Boris Johnson, who considers himself a Churchillian expert guided by Dominic ■■■■■■■■■ an unabashed Machiavellian - turning this country into the upstanding beacon in the world - just as Churchill himself did in 1940 when we were offered the chance of peace with Germany - only to reject it out-of-hand, to fight them to the last instead.

It isn’t “CoronaVirus” that’ll kill the masses - it will be people over-reacting in different ways to what I still believe is a massively over-stated threat.
People are being made to be scared of “Phantoms” just like in the 1980’s when “Maggies Millions” (Of which I was one…) were made to be scared of the “Bomb Dropping” and thus forget about that lack of job and prospects that we REALLY should be upset and rioting about all the time…

Comparisons to the 1930’s?

If the country gets given free printed money - then it won’t be as bad as the 1930’s.

If the world tries the same old solutions that don’t work against the same old problems - it’ll be a whole lot WORSE than the 1930’s

WWII - brought the 30’s slump to an end.
I don’t believe an “Apocalypse” would be something to look forward to THIS time around - to end our current predicament. :frowning:

If I’m WRONG about all this of course, and Coronavirus is all too real and as big a threat as we’re being told…

Then better get on your collective knees - whilst you still can!
It is arguable if it is better to be “one of the 25%” or “one of the survivors envying them”. :frowning:

How one dresses up what starts as “Real” data - is the art of Fake News.

For instance, if you go out of your way to make sure as many people that die of a remotely respiratory ailment - get counted as “Dying from Coronavirus”…

…and then couple that by UNDER reporting the number of people that “got better”… (If you “get better” - then suddenly, you didn’t have coronavirus - you just had a cold, flu, bronchitus, etc)
That way you maximise the “deaths” number and minimize the “got better” number.
This makes the percentage of deaths to recovered look like nearly 10% in the example figures given on the linked website.

Now a 10% attrition rate for a pathogen is HUGE but only if it were true, rather than massaged about by using the figures in ways that one really shouldn’t.

That we’re given any of these calculations at all - shows that there are going to be people out there that would benefit/profit from those figures not quite telling the full story.

The HONEST way to deal with all this - would be to NAME people that have been diagnosed - the moment that diagnosis is made.
This would permit others to avoid that person, whereas we are being told to “avoid everyone” now as a routine, - very damaging to our economy, and millions will eventually die from the collapse in the economy, nothing to do with any “disease” being caught or not.

But alas no.

We don’t get told ANYTHING about “living” people diagnosed, so we in truth - don’t know how many of them there really are.
If it became known that it is far more widespread and common than we’ve been led to believe - then suddenly the numbers who HAVE known to have died from it - pale into insignificance, and indeed might be lost among the sea of other figures, such as “deaths from Pneumonia” or even"Deaths from Rheumatic Fever" - which is on the rise over the last few years, thanks to the warm, damp winters we’ve been having.

I believe at this time that this is the World’s Lefties last ditch attempt to try and upset the current world trend of electing majority governments of the Right around the world.

They want rid of JinPing, Putin, Trump, Orban, and of course Boris Johnson, and have already got rid of Italy’s Salvini, much to the consternation of the Italian people who are now wide open to the “do nothing against Immigration” approach of the new coaltion government, where Salvini’s former coalition partners ditched His coalition in favour of one with the Left party instead. Now look at Italy: Spread of Coronavirus actually at REAL epidemic levels already. China meanwhile - it is petering out. Russia? Closed it’s border straight away, and the number of deaths is minimal.

Then there’s the motivation for the EU to try and delay, block, and prevent Brexit - even at this late stage. The EU have already demanded that we “extend”. Boris - if he complies - is TOAST because all it would take to remove him - and the Tories from power - is a single vote of no confidence, that could come as early as Keir Starmer taking over the Labour Party.

Meanwhile, on the financial markets - the Euro is climbing despite the current state of the EU and Europe. Go figure! Everything else - including GOLD are now in freefall.

The Pro-EU speculators - are clearly trying to tell us something: “Re-join us - or perish under our subtle attacks”.

No thanks. Let’s get that drawbridge up - and fast!

How one dresses up what starts as “Real” data - is the art of Fake News.

For instance, if you go out of your way to make sure as many people that die of a remotely respiratory ailment - get counted as “Dying from Coronavirus”…

…and then couple that by UNDER reporting the number of people that “got better”… (If you “get better” - then suddenly, you didn’t have coronavirus - you just had a cold, flu, bronchitus, etc)
That way you maximise the “deaths” number and minimize the “got better” number.
This makes the percentage of deaths to recovered look like nearly 10% in the example figures given on the linked website.

COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

Now a 10% attrition rate for a pathogen is HUGE but only if it were true, rather than massaged about by using the figures in ways that one really shouldn’t.

That we’re given any of these calculations at all - shows that there are going to be people out there that would benefit/profit from those figures not quite telling the full story.

We don’t get told ANYTHING about “living” people diagnosed, so we in truth - don’t know how many of them there really are.
If it became known that it is far more widespread and common than we’ve been led to believe - then suddenly the numbers who HAVE known to have died from it - pale into insignificance, and indeed might be lost among the sea of other figures, such as “deaths from Pneumonia” or even"Deaths from Rheumatic Fever" - which is on the rise over the last few years, thanks to the warm, damp winters we’ve been having.

China meanwhile - it is petering out. Russia? Closed it’s border straight away, and the number of deaths is minimal.

What happened to the original 1% fatality rate which then climbed to 2% + in Italy.Even 1% was 10 x worse than flu.While the recovery rate figures seem consistent and tell their own story.Probably bs put in there to create the pretence that anyone ‘recovers’ from something we have no immunity to and can’t create immunity to and at best leaves us a carrier in remission.
While it looks like whatever escaped in China and Russia if anything isn’t the same thing as they sent to ‘the west’ on those ‘rescue’ flights.

Or it’s all fake bs to impose a NWO controlled by China.

What out for persecutions of people deemed “Carriers” - who, of course - have no symptoms… And likely no illness being carried either…

But the fake news narrative is that if you cannot prove a negative - then you are considered guilty on all charges to the positive!

Bosonary of Brazil - is currently being treated rather badly for calling this whole thing a blown-up conspiracy theory…
They’ve yet to prove him wrong - but have already got their collective boots in on him…

FFS anyone would think that Brazil has got “Piedmont” happening there already!