Will you or wont you

Nah…long as the government’s happy for unneccessary workers to fly in,illegal immigrants to remain,despite coming from a safe country,n folk are roaming about in groups,as if nowts happened,difference does it make?

It might be a necessary erosion of our normal freedoms under these very specific times.

However the code for the app should be open sourced so that it can be checked to be sure that it is not gathering all sorts of data than it doesn’t need to or doesn’t say it does. For instance, the one hour warning is not a bad idea, but does it just tell the user or does it beam it back to the mothership?

Do you believe for one second there’s not some in built backdoor built into these devices irrespective of the blandishments offe red to nullify any of these suspicions :open_mouth: There’s some social activism finally gathering traction in America I’m glad to see.Not seeing anything over here,just yet,too hidebound by calcified,monarchical/class structures,and covert acquiescence to the master/slave dynamic,going back over the centuries.

I guess those anti-Iraq war protest organisers must be otherwise engaged.I’m really struggling with this ■■■■,the blizzard of ambiguity that seems to be spewing from Corporate Whores (Westminster) in cahoots with Tavistock Institute drilled,msm presstitutes, is taking us to economic Armageddon at a rate of knots and all the ■■■■■ can come up with is this latest b/s fear-fest,upping the fear ante while appearing ‘in command’.They’ve likely already stocked a few billion loaded nano-chipped syringes ready for the inevitable mass,sleeve roll ups.Just a case of awaiting the next phase of their bio-weapon I guess,now we’ve had the trial run.

I probably will…unless it runs my battery down.
I’m not afraid of the Babylon brotherhood.

I believe that’s known as Cognitive Dissonance.


Happily do it. I will purchase a new phone to aid the app.

All my burner phones or I.P phones will stay within the circle of friends i communicate with.

Said new phone will only have details of if i have had virus or not. No names dob or other bits and bobs. And before anyone asks about IP phones it exists on servers tun by criminals only letting criminals use said phones and are untraceable unless the server gets hacked which is highly unlikely as they run on russian or dutch IP. Thankyou

Who are you like? TruckNets answer to El Chapo?

Il take that

Username change request please admin.


There are other reasons not to download it, it doesn’t have to involve Conspiracy Theories, what about a basic freedom to choose?

I wouldn’t download it. Then again, I don’t use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram et al. It’s a matter of personal choice, same as choosing to not be one of the herd who think a McD’s qualifies as “a meal”.

Plus I don’t always have my phone with me when I go out, and even if I do, I don’t always have GPS turned on: why would I? I know where I’m going and it stops those annoying Google pop ups asking you to “rate your experience” at, for example, the local council tip :unamused:

I think an app like this is really just aimed at “the average, modern person” whatever that might mean to you as an individual, I believe the various policy makers think we’re all a bunch of mindless sheep who can’t exist without our phones.

I don’t blame them for having that view: look at all the people you see everyday, constantly glued to their phone, even to the point where they can’t put it in their pocket while they fuel up their cars. It’s worst in supermarkets, I see a lot of people who can’t do their weekly shopping without constantly discussing which kind of jam to buy with someone who’s still at home.

Or those people who have to have some form of electronic distraction going on at all times, even when they’re walking down the street on a nice sunny day: Mother Nature is just too dull so they need some mindless phone app game to distract them from the remarkable fact of their own existence, there has to be some way for them to cope with those tedious “three score years and ten”.

Nite Owl:

simple question.

will you,or wont you voluntary download this government app.?
and assuming you will not,then how long will it be until you are sneakily forced to by other backdoor means?


theguardian.com/politics/20 … e-launched

wired.co.uk/article/nhs-cor … acking-app

I can imagine some out there would make mischief with this.

Yep, called it.

dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … g-app.html

It continues to boggle my mind how seemingly 99.9% of the population are completely blind and dumb to what’s going on. It’s all focus on the “killer virus” when this is just a Trojan Horse/bogeyman distraction from the REAL reason behind all this bull ■■■■, and that is to implement a) mandatory vaccines for depopulation and b) a Chinese Social Credit Score system. All the framework is in place, it’s just a matter of leading the herds down the ‘right’ paths to make it happen.

The worrying part (for me at least) is that the vast majority of the population are actually in favour of such totalitarian and authoritarian regimes and it can’t come soon enough for them.

See: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=164744&p=2677037#p2677037

I don’t hold with all these conspiracy theories and that a little man, or woman is interested in my every move. I carry my smart phone and it does the same job as my PC and Printer sat on my desk, except it does it quicker and quieter, all my documents can be accessed to read or send to others, my bank is on it as are my main shopping accounts.

In the UK there are millions of surveillance and CCTV cameras watching you in your car, lorry, bus etc, either as a passenger or a driver, loyalty cards tell the supermarkets what you like to eat, which helps them make sure they have it on the shelf, a good butcher in the 50’s would do that, nice breasts Mrs Wilkinson, and a bit of extra sausage around the back of my shop.

An app that tells me my blood sugar is low, or that my blood pressure is high can only help, an app that tells me the majority of the people on the 10.34 omnibus have Covid 19 can help me decide.

We don’t live in Dresden where your little brother rang the Stasi if you said you didn’t like Geoff off Coronation Street.

Wheel Nut:
I don’t hold with all these conspiracy theories

We’ll see how much of a “conspiracy theory” it all is in 6-12 months time for all you people that are expecting things to “go back to normal once this virus thing blows over”.


I probably will…unless it runs my battery down.
I’m not afraid of the Babylon brotherhood.

I believe that’s known as Cognitive Dissonance.

Is this the same as not giving a ■■■■?

There’s no upside to this, any more than there was any upside to this “free night workers health check” thing that was going around a few years back…
If this “health check” found “nothing” - then congratulations, you got to keep your job.
If they found something - ANYTHING - you’d probably lose your licence, and with it your job.

Heads you break even, - tails you lose. There is no way to win

Bugger that!

The same applies to any tracking app, vaccination register, or even “tagged worker” status being handed out via those people already halfway there what with their Iphones they’ve freely given away all personal data on in the past imo… :unamused:

Not downloading it, written by the Cambridge analytica lot! Sod that!

Sent from my moto g(6) play using Tapatalk

NHS reveals source code behind contact-tracing app

This is good news and will encourage people to install the app in my opinion :smiley:

Not downloading it, written by the Cambridge analytica lot! Sod that!

Sent from my moto g(6) play using Tapatalk

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You’re Learning!!

That there Cambridge analytica is deffo a seriously sinister outfit,wish I could find the stuff I genned up on regarding this shadowy sect,suffice it to say,they’re cabal on stilts. :open_mouth:


Wheel Nut:
I don’t hold with all these conspiracy theories

We’ll see how much of a “conspiracy theory” it all is in 6-12 months time for all you people that are expecting things to “go back to normal once this virus thing blows over”.

What we’ve got here is the ultimate go to CV listing for when the WHO ( PLA ) ‘observers’ , of Bojogon’s unconditional stealth surrender to the CCP, need to pick out who’ll be their Kapos.

In helping them to ‘observe’ that all the ‘terms’ are being met.

You know small things like arriving home to find a family of immigrants have been allocated your house without compensation and you’ll be moved to a ‘re education’ or ‘quarantine’ facility for daring to complain about it.The level of compliance then shown will decide whether you just get the placebo before being sent to the labour camp or the real thing bat virus ‘vaccine’ after your organs have been harvested without anaesthetic first.

Things are certainly hotting up stateside.Breitbart gives the best American commentaries.Looking like Obombers days are numbered,in line with him being a Muslim brotherhood plant during his cancerous tenure at the big house.very interesting indeed,he’ll hopefully be due the wrinkled coffin flag treatment any time soon. :smiling_imp:

Things are certainly hotting up stateside.Breitbart gives the best American commentaries.Looking like Obombers days are numbered,in line with him being a Muslim brotherhood plant during his cancerous tenure at the big house.very interesting indeed,he’ll hopefully be due the wrinkled coffin flag treatment any time soon. :smiling_imp:

Strangely I saw a very brief message from a US poster elsewhere on a Youtube site which said along the lines of Trump is about to blow the lid off ‘everything’ there enjoy the show ?.I’m still trying to work out what it meant. :confused: :open_mouth: :smiley:

If all these different “narratives” just got replaced with video evidence of misdeeds, leaving the viewer to judge for themselves “if there’s anything in it”…

It is quite one thing to suggest “Bias” when the article is written with barely any video footage at all, soft focus, distanced, Non-HD, old hat stuff…


Multiple clips of the perp doing the same old stuff they are accused of over and over again.

Now a lot of people think “Breitbart” or “Fox” or “CNN” are totally biased of course.

People should just watch the video stuff on all with an open mind - and make their own judgements based on the quality of the footage shown.
Eg. NBC editing Bill Barr so it turns the entire piece into fake footage and thereby fake news overall…

We shouldn’t routinely believe what we’re told by our government or media.
Use “Judgement” and “Common Sense” to decide the correct path of action.

At the end - we’ll all be judged by our own interepretation and responses to whatever we see and hear.

There’s no point in blaming anyone after - if you happened to have “dived the wrong way” like a lousy Goalie.

Do you want to go back to work - or not?
Make a decision - and DO it.

People like Sturgeon are happy to see you never return to work until some obscure pie-in-the-sky event happens that makes it safe to return only then.
Boris meanwhile, deliberately lets people decide how to even interpret his very words…

The alternative? A decision one way or the other that goes WRONG - leads to more stalemate, more “getting nothing done”, and the lockdown extending indefinitely - just like Brexit has been to date.


Things are certainly hotting up stateside.Breitbart gives the best American commentaries.Looking like Obombers days are numbered,in line with him being a Muslim brotherhood plant during his cancerous tenure at the big house.very interesting indeed,he’ll hopefully be due the wrinkled coffin flag treatment any time soon. :smiling_imp:

Strangely I saw a very brief message from a US poster elsewhere on a Youtube site which said along the lines of Trump is about to blow the lid off ‘everything’ there enjoy the show ?.I’m still trying to work out what it meant. :confused: :open_mouth: :smiley:

Swamp draining?,sealed indictments of aforementioned swamp creatures?electric chair for Killary?..who knows and who dares to imagine.Breitbart seems the go-to for a sizeable opinion demographic I’d say. :open_mouth: