What agency pays 1k a week take home?

Retail fuel, no problem clearing a grand a week consistently.

James the cat:
So far on Conor’s thick, stupid and shoe lace incompetency list are

The current leaderboard:-

Franglais ( an exciting new entry in light of recent info)

Who’s next?

It’s more a badge of honour to be on h
HIS incompetency list.
He obviously ran out of argument and had to switch to name calling.
But in the main Will I loose sleep over it dilligaf


James the cat:
So far on Conor’s thick, stupid and shoe lace incompetency list are

The current leaderboard:-

Franglais ( an exciting new entry in light of recent info)

Who’s next?

It’s more a badge of honour to be on h
HIS incompetency list.
He obviously ran out of argument and had to switch to name calling.
But in the main Will I loose sleep over it dilligaf

It is totally a badge of honour. I’m actually quite envious :laughing: .

Thanks Connor I’ve been running my own business since 2007 thanks. Wages are not a tax deductible expense.

Yes they are or they’re double taxed. Suggest you go speak to a tax accountant if you don’t think that wages are a tax deductible business expense.

So what you’re telling me is that if a business has a turnover of £20,000 a year and the only outgoings are an employees wages of £20,000 a year that the business will be due to pay £4000 corporation tax as well as the employee paying £1700 income tax because wages are not tax deductible so as far as HMRC is concerned the business made £20,000 profit?


One wonders how any supermarket with a profit margin such as Tesco etc manages to continue to trade given their wage bill isn’t a tax deductible expense…

I’d love to know who told you it wasn’t.

Your talking self employed I was referring to paye and who ever did you tax like that I’d sack your accountant very quickly or get out of the umbrella scheme your on as for Tesco as you’ve just shown it’s well beyond me you

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for once im hoping carryfast chirps in with another monologue post to liven things up in here now…

for once im hoping carryfast chirps in with another monologue post to liven things up in here now…

I get paid 5k a week removing run up ramps from unit chassis’. Boss says they’re a frivolous, pointless capitalist indulgence not in keeping with socialist principles. Next week he has me hack sawing up all the wagon and drags. He’s boating them to a China for scrap. Says they’re a bunch of old timey crap from ancient Britain.

There, that ought to do it.


Olog Hai:
Conor busy with the keyboard warrior act again.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well he has just finished this: :smiley:

Want to be starting this one…

How to lose friends and alienate people.jpg :stuck_out_tongue:

James the cat:

for once im hoping carryfast chirps in with another monologue post to liven things up in here now…

I get paid 5k a week removing run up ramps from unit chassis’. Boss says they’re a frivolous, pointless capitalist indulgence not in keeping with socialist principles. Next week he has me hack sawing up all the wagon and drags. He’s boating them to a China for scrap. Says they’re a bunch of old timey crap from ancient Britain.

There, that ought to do it.

You forgot the "Fordist Leninist Corbynite European Long distance Metric " incantation.